Home Home-Remedies 3 Detoxifying teas to lose weight and lose belly

3 Detoxifying teas to lose weight and lose belly


An excellent strategy to detoxify the liver to start a diet, or simply "clean up" the liver is to take detox teas, which have diuretic and detoxifying properties, such as parsley, burdock or fennel tea.

These teas increase the production of urine and help eliminate toxins, being a great way to increase a detox diet, which is indicated to eliminate impurities from the body, especially the liver, after a day of overeating, to start a diet, or to combat the plateau effect, which is when the person is on a diet to lose weight, but there comes a time when he can no longer lose weight.

1. Parsley tea

Parsley, also known as parsley and parsley, is characterized by being a natural diuretic and a mild purifier, providing the body's detoxification and the reduction of gastrointestinal disorders.


  • 1 bunch of freshly chopped parsley

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a small saucepan and boil until the leaves are fully cooked. Then, turn off the heat, leave the pan covered and strain when it is warm. You can drink 1 liter of this tea throughout the day.

2. Herbal tea

Another excellent home remedy to detoxify the body is to drink herbal tea based on burdock and licorice.


  • 1 liter of water1 teaspoon of burdock1 teaspoon of dandelion root1 teaspoon of licorice root1 teaspoon of nettle1 teaspoon of mint

Method of preparation

To prepare this tea, burdock, dandelion and licorice roots must be mixed with water in a covered pot. After boiling leave on low heat for approximately 15 minutes.

After putting out the fire, add the nettle and mint. The mixture must stand for 10 minutes and then strain. Take this tea daily, for 3 weeks.

The ingredients used in this home remedy have detoxifying effects and gently purify the body by stimulating the secretory functions of the skin, kidneys, liver and intestines.

3. Fennel tea

Another delicious natural detoxifier is fennel tea. Fennel has diuretic properties that can be used as a powerful supplement to a detox diet for the body.


  • This is a great way to add flavor and flavor to your dishes.

Method of preparation

Place the fennel in a pan and add the boiling water. Leave stuffy for about 10 minutes. Drink 4 cups throughout the day to remove impurities from the body and thus be able to lose weight more easily and obtain more energy and disposition.

Fennel has diuretic properties that help the body to eliminate excess fluids and makes a kind of "cleaning" in the liver helping to fight impurities. However, fennel is contraindicated in case of duodenal or gastric ulcer, reflux, ulcerative colitis or diverticulitis.

How to do a detox diet

To make a detox diet in addition to taking detoxifying teas, it is important not to consume foods with caffeine, sugar and alcoholic beverages, as these foods are toxic to the liver, as well as industrialized foods, such as preservatives, dyes or sweeteners, because they have toxins, substances harmful to the body. Find out more details in this video:

3 Detoxifying teas to lose weight and lose belly