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How is recovery after stent angioplasty


Stent angioplasty is a medical procedure performed with the aim of restoring blood flow through the introduction of a metal mesh inside the blocked vessel. There are two types of stent:

  • Drug- eluting stent, in which the release of drugs into the blood stream progressively, decreasing the accumulation of new fatty plaques, for example, in addition to being less aggressive and having less risk of clot formation; Non-pharmacological stent, the purpose of which is to keep the vessel open, regulating blood flow.

The stent is placed by the doctor in the place where the blood passes with difficulty, either due to a fatty plaque or due to the decrease in the diameter of the vessels due to aging. This procedure is recommended mainly in people at heart risk due to changes in blood flow.

Stent angioplasty must be performed with a cardiologist specialized in the procedure or vascular surgeon and costs approximately R $ 15, 000.00, however some health plans cover this expense, in addition to being available through the Unified Health System (SUS).

How it is done

The procedure lasts around 1 hour and is considered an invasive procedure, as it affects internal organs. It needs contrast to generate the image during the procedure and, in specific cases, it can be associated with intravascular ultrasound to better define the degree of obstruction.

Possible risks

Angioplasty is an invasive and safe procedure, with success rates between 90 and 95%. However, just like any other surgical procedure, it has its risks. One of the risks of stent angioplasty is that during the procedure, a clot is released, which can result in a stroke.

In addition, there may be bleeding, bruising, postoperative infections and, in more rare cases, there may be major bleeding, requiring blood transfusion. In some cases, even with the stent implantation, the vessel may obstruct again or the stent may close due to thrombi, requiring the placement of another stent, inside the previous one.

How is recovery

Recovery after stent angioplasty is relatively quick. When surgery is not performed urgently, the person is usually discharged from the hospital the next day with a recommendation to avoid vigorous exercise or to lift weights over 10 kg in the first 2 weeks of angioplasty. In cases where angioplasty is not urgent, depending on the location of the stent and the result of the angioplasty, the patient may return to work after 15 days.

It is important to clarify that stent angioplasty does not prevent the accumulation of fatty plaques inside the arteries and that is why regular physical activity, the regular use of the prescribed medications and a balanced diet to prevent the "clogging" of others are indicated. arteries.

How is recovery after stent angioplasty