Medicinal Plants

Abajerú is a medicinal plant that helps to lose weight and to treat diabetes, because it contains diuretic properties. See where to find and how to use it.
Vultures can be used to regulate menstruation, relieve cramps, in case of uric acid, kidney problems, anemia, arthritis, and liver problems.
To use Acacia as a healing agent to close small wounds on the skin, it is advisable to apply a compress on the spot. Here's how to prepare.
Aconitum napellus is a poisonous plant that can be used by homeopathy in the form of tincture to treat problems such as fear, phobia and fever.
This medicinal plant has a stimulating action of the LH hormone and an inhibitor of the hormone FSH that can help you get pregnant faster. See how to use it.
The European Black Alamo is a tree that can reach 30m in height and which can also be popularly known as poplar. This can be used as a medicinal plant and is used to treat external hemorrhoids, superficial wounds or chilblains for example. The scientific name of ...
Licorice is a medicinal plant, also known as Glycyrriza, Parsley, Regaliz, Pau-doce or Raiz-doce, widely used in the treatment of respiratory problems. Licorice's scientific name is Glycyrrhiza glabra and can be purchased at health food stores, compounding pharmacies and ...
This medicinal plant has antispasmodic and sedative properties, being able to relieve menstrual cramps and other PMS symptoms. See what the agonized is for, how to take it and contraindications.
Pepper rosemary is a medicinal plant that can be used to treat wounds and skin problems such as athlete's foot, impigens or white cloth.
Agripalma is a medicinal plant that has hypotensive properties, being useful to treat heart problems such as tachycardia and angina pectoris.


Agrimônia is a medicinal plant, also known as eupatory, Greek herb or liver herb, widely used in the treatment of inflammation. Its scientific name is Agrimonia eupatoria and can be purchased at some health food stores and pharmacies. For what...


Caraway is a medicinal plant, also known as cumin or cariz, widely used in the treatment of colds and digestive and intestinal problems. Its scientific name is Carum carvi and can be purchased in health food stores, street markets and in some pharmacies in ...
Black garlic is obtained from fresh garlic through fermentation, and contains properties beneficial to health. See which and how to use


Cotton is a medicinal plant that can be consumed in the form of tea or tincture for various health problems, such as the lack of breast milk. Its scientific name is Gossypium Herbaceum and can be purchased at some health food stores or pharmacies. For...
Alteia is a medicinal plant that can be used as an anti-inflammatory to treat respiratory diseases and relieve coughs. See more what it is for and how to use it
Amalaki is a very popular fruit in India that has properties capable of treating atherosclerosis, diabetes and improving the immune system. See what Amalaki is and what its benefits are.
Galanga-menor is a medicinal plant known to help treat digestive disorders, difficult digestions and poor appetite.
The black alder is a medicinal plant, also known as frágula, black alder, hominy and lagarinho, widely used for stomach problems and constipation. Its scientific name is Frangula alnus Mill and can be purchased at some health food stores and pharmacies in ...
Pansy is a medicinal plant, also known as Bastard Pansy, Pansy Pansy, Trinity Weed or Field Violet. See the benefits and how to use
The blackberry is a medicinal plant with the scientific name Morus alba L., about 5 to 20 meters high with a very branched trunk, with large leaves, yellow flowers and fruits. Generally, the used part of this plant is the leaves, which have anti-hyperglycemic properties, ...
Black mulberry is a medicinal plant, also known as silkworm mulberry or black mulberry, which has medicinal properties that can be used to treat diabetes, kidney stones and to clean the bladder. The scientific name of black mulberry is Morus nigra L. and can be ...
Angélica, also known as arcangélica, holy spirit herb and Indian hyacinth, is a medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory and digestive properties that is normally used to treat intestinal problems, such as dyspepsia, excess gas and poor digestion, for example.
Andiroba is a tree native to the Amazon whose fruits and seeds have several health benefits. Know the 8 main benefits of andiroba and how to make andiroba tea.
Star Anise is a medicinal plant that reaches up to 10 meters in height, widely used against gases, fungi and in the treatment of respiratory problems. Its scientific name is Illicium verum contains 8 tiny brown seeds, bright in color, which exude strong and sweet scent
The araçá is a fruit that can present a yellow or red color when ripe, which has properties with great health benefits. See which ones.
Among the benefits of Cranberry are the fight against urinary tract infections, dental cavities, kidney stones and colds and flu. Here's how to eat this fruit.
The mastic is a medicinal plant, also known as red mastic, which can be used as a home remedy to treat sexually transmitted diseases and urinary infections in women. See what other situations can be used and how to prepare tea correctly
Arruda is a medicinal plant, popularly known to ward off the evil eye, which has an effect on blood vessels, cysts and can be used as an insecticide. Its scientific name is Ruta graveolens and can be easily purchased at health food stores and pharmacies in ...


Aquilea is a medicinal plant, also known as columbine, widely used to treat scalp problems. Its scientific name is Aquilegia vulgaris and can be purchased only in the pharmacies of manipulation and with a prescription. What Aquilea is for Aquilea is for ...


Arenaria is a medicinal plant, also known as Arenaria-rubra, widely used in urinary problems and high blood pressure due to its diuretic action. Its scientific name is Spergularia rubra and can be purchased at some health food stores and pharmacies. For...
Arnica is a medicinal plant used to treat bruises, rheumatic pains, abrasions and muscle pain. It has healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic action and can be found in an industrialized form, although homemade recipes can be prepared equally effective for ...
See the indications for each type of Artemisia, a common plant that fights worms and regulates menstruation.