Following a few tips to improve your diet helps you lose weight and also increase your quality of life now and for the future, after all, food is linked to health and is often the cause of diseases such as gastritis, diarrhea, obesity and even physical development problems, ...
These 3 tips to treat the trapped intestine are a natural solution, very simple and efficient, involving only the ingestion of tea, juice and an abdominal massage, eliminating the use of laxatives that can addiction to the intestine and alter the normal intestinal flora, which can cause deficiencies ...
It is recommended to go to the doctor at least once a year to perform tests such as blood or urine tests to identify diseases before they manifest symptoms, facilitating their treatment. It is also important to go to the doctor when you are in the habit of taking painkillers or laxatives more than 3 times ...
To improve some bad habits that are acquired throughout life and that can harm health, it only takes 21 days to intentionally reprogram the body and mind, having better attitudes and following rules until, after 21 days, they become automatic and natural. Per...
Two simple and effective ways to reduce sugar consumption are not to add sugar to coffee, juice or milk, and to replace refined foods with their whole versions, such as bread, for example. In addition, to limit sugar consumption it is also important to decrease the ...
Some fruits can help you lose weight because they have few calories and properties that increase the body's caloric expenditure. 3 good examples are Pitaya, Lychee and Physalis, exotic fruits that help you lose weight, because they also have antioxidant power for the body and skin, due to the ...
Learning to live with chronic illness is a demanding process, which can have a negative impact. Here are some tips that can be useful during this process.
One of the benefits of almonds is that they help treat osteoporosis, because almonds are very rich in calcium and magnesium, which helps to maintain healthy bones. Eating almonds can also be a good option for those who want to put on weight because 100 g of almonds have 640 calories and 54 grams ...
There are several ways to get rid of lice and nits permanently, such as using a treatment shampoo, using a fine comb, washing pillows at an appropriate temperature or even using a repellent. Here's what to do and how to follow these tips properly to get rid of head lice for good
Neck pain can be quite uncomfortable, but it can be easily alleviated by placing a warm compress on the area or massaging the neck. See more about how to relieve neck pain
Diseases caused by contaminated food mainly produce symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal bloating, but they can vary according to the microorganism that is developing in the food. It is usually easy to identify when fresh food is spoiled, because ...
The best way to prevent the development of ingrown nails is to cut the nails in a straight line, as this prevents the corners from growing into the skin. However, if the nails continue to get stuck while growing, it is advisable to consult a podiatrist to evaluate each case and ...
To eat chocolate without putting on weight, you must eat it tomorrow and eat healthy throughout the day, with fruits, vegetables and water. See more.
Although foot odor is not a medical problem, it can cause a lot of discomfort in everyday life, conditioning relationships with friends and family, especially when it is necessary to be barefoot. See what simple measures you can start today to put an end to foot odor
Steaming food is a perfect technique for those who have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, constipation, who want to lose weight, or simply decided to improve their diet and be healthier. It is possible to use basket for common pot, bamboo basket or electric pot
The 5 tips that can help the patient with kidney failure to live better with the disease are: Control thirst by eating frozen fruits, sour candies, sucking lemon or pieces of ice; Improve the flavor of foods by seasoning with aromatic herbs such as parsley, basil, bay leaves, ...
Eating 1 pear before lunch or dinner and using coconut oil are examples of simple attitudes that help you lose weight. See other tips.
The best treatment for less severe liver problems, such as fatty liver, is mainly the change in eating habits, so some tips for better living with liver problems may be: Eating meals in small quantities every 3 hours; Avoid frying, ...
To improve the absorption of calcium present in food, ensuring strong bones, it is recommended to exercise, reduce salt consumption and be exposed to the sun in the early morning. These tips should be followed especially by those who suffer from osteoporosis, osteopenia and in case of ...
Read carefully and try to follow these 7 tips to help you achieve weight loss at once and in a healthy way. Eat less. It does not mean that you should go hungry, but you should analyze your diet and reduce the number of calories you eat. Writing a food diary helps to have ...
Some tests are recommended to be performed before the wedding to check the couple's health and investigate if there are risks for a future pregnancy. Find out what are the 5 exams to do before the wedding.