
Oily hair is a problem that affects many women and leaves hair looking heavy, dirty, greasy and without volume. People with a lot of hair are more likely to suffer from this problem, as it is at the base of each strand that the sebaceous glands that produce the ...
The secret to eliminating cellulite is to fight localized fat and improve blood circulation, see how you can do it at home.
To naturally lower high blood pressure, it is necessary to make dietary changes, exercise and lose weight. Check out other proven ways.
There are home remedies that can help improve hoarseness. See what is good for hoarseness and when to go to the doctor
Some products that can be used in place of sugar are cane molasses, honey and natural and artificial sweeteners. See the differences.
Melissa water is an extract made from the medicinal plant Melissa officinalis, also popularly known as lemon balm. See in what situations it can be used and who can take
Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that has anti-inflammatory and healing properties and can be effective in treating burns. Learn how to use aloe vera on burns
A good homemade antacid to stop stomach burning is kale juice, as it has anti-ulcer properties that help heal possible ulcers, relieving stomach pain. Cabbage juice, when ingested on an empty stomach, helps to relieve stomach inflammation and ...
To make a natural environment scent that keeps the home fragrant but without the chemicals that can be harmful to health, you can bet on essential oils. The best oils are lavender because they help to calm the environment and menthol because it helps to purify, eliminating ...
Bay leaves, in addition to giving a special flavor to many cooked or grilled dishes, have medicinal properties that make dishes easier to digest due to the stimulation of digestive secretions. To take advantage of these properties you must add 1 or 2 sheets of ...
The sitz bath serves to treat or complement the treatment of diseases that affect the intimate area of ​​men or women, such as vaginal burning, cystitis and genital herpes. To make a good sitz bath, it is recommended to put the necessary ingredients in a bowl properly ...
An excellent home remedy for mild burns is the potato, as it is rich in vitamin C, which facilitates the healing of the burn while decreasing the burning sensation. Ingredients 1 raw potato Method of preparation Peel and cut the potato into slices, placing them on ...
Barbatimão tea can be used to wash the intimate area in the treatment of vaginal discharge. See other tips and care to treat discharge.
The sitz bath with hemamelis, cypress or lavender helps to cure hemorrhoids because it is analgesic and anti-inflammatory
A relaxing bath is a great home remedy for back pain, helping to relieve discomfort at the end of the day. See how to prepare
Marigold is a great home remedy for first-degree burns because it helps in healing and reducing pain, since it is rich in substances with analgesic, healing and anti-inflammatory action. Despite being found in the form of ointment, which can be bought at the pharmacy, ...
Jatoba bark is a great way to heal wounds, as it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that facilitate healing and prevent infection, and antioxidant and stimulating action, which help the development of new smooth and soft skin. Ingredients 2 tablespoons ...
Horse chestnut acts by reducing the size of dilated veins and can be used in the form of tea, tincture or in capsules. See how to use each type.
Having a soothing herbal tea is an excellent home remedy to improve your mood. The medicinal plant that has the greatest effect on this tea is lemon balm which has calming properties, which causes a tranquilizing effect on the mind. Lemon balm reduces stress and tiredness, ...
Bergamot tea is an excellent home remedy to calm and reduce the symptoms of depression, as it acts on the brain stimulating a good mood. Ingredients 20 g of bergamot leaves 1 cup of tea water Method of preparation Add the bergamot leaves in the container with water ...
A great remedy for constipation is gorse tea. To prepare this tea you need 2 tablespoons of Carqueja leaves and 500 ml of water. First, the gorse leaves must be crushed, after that the water must be added to be boiled together. O...
Ginger tea is an excellent home remedy for constipation, as ginger has properties that facilitate digestion, increasing bowel movements, softening the fecal cake and reducing the discomfort caused by constipation. In addition to ginger tea, it is important ...
Basil tea is an excellent home remedy to treat poor digestion and decrease discomfort, because it has digestive and calming properties that facilitate digestion of food and reduce stomach inflammation. You should have a cup of this warm tea when ...
Mulungu tea is an excellent home remedy to calm the mood, as this medicinal plant has calming properties that help individuals suffering from insomnia or anxiety to relax. Ingredients 6g of mulungu peel 150 ml of water Method of preparation Place the mulungu peel for ...