Foods such as raw fish and eggs, gorgonzola cheese and alcohol should not be consumed during pregnancy. See more examples and the risks they bring.
The pregnant woman must do at least 30 minutes of physical exercise per day and, at least, 3 times a week, to stay in shape during pregnancy, send more oxygen to the baby, prepare for delivery and facilitate recovery after childbirth. 5 other good reasons to exercise ...
To facilitate normal delivery it is important that the baby turns upside down until 37 weeks of gestation. See what exercises can be done to fit the baby
To treat sinusitis in pregnancy, you must rinse your nostrils with serum several times a day and inhale hot water. It may also be necessary to use medicines, which should only be taken at the recommendation of the otorhinolaryngologist to avoid harming the baby's development. See some ...
Stimulating the baby while still in the womb, with music or reading, can promote his cognitive development, since he is already aware of what happens around him, responding to stimuli through the heartbeat, which are calmer, his movements and imitating the movement...
Despite the risks involved in caesarean section, there are cases where it is the best option for the birth of the baby. Find out what they are.
Retained abortion happens when the embryo dies and is not expelled to the outside, and can stay inside the uterus for weeks or even months. See the causes, symptoms and how the treatment is done
Some drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy because they have teratogenic effects that can lead to miscarriage or cause serious changes in the baby. Check out a list of the main remedies to avoid during pregnancy
After delivery, you need to use a postpartum absorbent for approximately 40 days, changing every 3-4 hours or whenever it is very dirty. During this period it is recommended to use an external absorbent, of large size (nocturnal), with flaps, and with good absorption
Elevated uric acid in pregnancy can harm the baby, especially if the pregnant woman has high blood pressure, because it can be related to pre-eclampsia, which is a serious complication of pregnancy and can lead to miscarriage. Normally, uric acid decreases in early pregnancy and ...
Scarlet fever in pregnancy is not dangerous or puts the baby at risk, however if the pregnant woman is infected shortly before delivery, there is a risk of contaminating the baby at the time of delivery. In these cases, the pregnant woman should be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible and can be ...
The transmission of AIDS can happen during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding and therefore, what the HIV positive pregnant woman must do to avoid contamination of the baby includes taking the medications indicated by the doctor, having a caesarean section and not breastfeeding the baby. We indicate here ...
What it is: Allergies are very common in pregnancy, especially in people who usually suffer from allergies, and the symptoms can get worse during pregnancy due to the increase in hormones and changes that occur in the body, which can make the person more sensitive to ...
Feeding in pregnancy if it is rich in sugars and fats can determine whether the baby will be obese, in childhood and in adulthood because the excess of these substances can alter the baby's satiety mechanism, which makes him more hungry and eats more than necessary. That is why,...
In feeding after childbirth, a woman needs to consume about 400 more calories to recover well from cesarean or normal birth and be able to produce more milk for the baby. In addition, it is not recommended to eat foods that ferment and cause gases, nor chocolate in large ...
Foods forbidden for pregnant women include: Alcoholic beverages that can delay the baby's growth and development; Diet or light foods or other foods that have artificial sweeteners; Rare meats and eggs, raw fish and unpasteurized milk and derivatives; Some...
Future mothers may begin to experience slight painful discomfort in the region of the spine called the lumbar spine that may be reflected in other areas, and that may worsen over the course of pregnancy. This sensation is common among pregnant women and is related to hormonal changes ...
Breastfeeding can be continued if the woman becomes pregnant, with no interference with the baby's development or risks. See how to breastfeed during pregnancy.
Amoxicillin is safe in pregnancy, and is indicated for the treatment of various infections caused by bacteria. Know which ones and how to take.
Taking the contraceptive when you didn't know you are pregnant can cause a lot of doubts in the woman's head. However, this does not harm the baby, but one should immediately stop taking this type of medication.
What it is: The placenta is an organ formed during pregnancy whose main role is to promote communication between the mother and the fetus and, thus, guarantee the ideal conditions for the development of the fetus. The main functions of the placenta are: Providing nutrients and oxygen to the baby; ...
Appendicitis in pregnancy causes severe pain in the right side of the belly, and treatment can be done with surgery. Know the exact location of the pain and whether it is dangerous to have an appendicitis crisis during pregnancy.
Rheumatoid arthritis usually improves during pregnancy, but you need to avoid medications like Aspirin and Leflunomide, which can affect your baby. see more
Cramps can occur due to changes in the metabolism of pregnant women, such as changes in electrolytes and vitamins. Know what to do and how to avoid it.
Chicken pox in pregnancy can be a serious problem when a woman catches the disease in the first or second semester of pregnancy, as well as in the last 5 days before delivery. Generally, depending on the woman's gestational age at the moment she gets chicken pox, the baby may be born with low weight ...
The main causes that can lead to premature birth, which occurs when the baby is born with less than 37 weeks of gestation, are related to events and diseases that endanger the mother's life. The women who are most at risk of having a childbirth before the expected date are the history of ...
Common causes of death in childbirth or postpartum include hypertension, infection and bleeding. See other causes and what you can do to protect yourself.
Spontaneous abortion is when the pregnancy ends before 22 weeks of gestation, and the fetus dies, without the woman having done anything she could control. Find out why it happens, what to do and when to get pregnant again.
Cephalexin is an antibiotic that serves to treat urinary tract infection, among other ailments. It can be used during pregnancy as it does not harm the baby, but always under medical guidance. According to the FDA classification, cephalexin has risk B when used during the ...
Learn about recovery from surgery to hold the baby in the belly, the warning signs that may indicate infection and how is the delivery
Having diabetes, pre-eclampsia, being a smoker, taking medication, being underweight, or having twins increase the risk of a high-risk pregnancy.
Some teas should not be taken during lactation because they can alter the taste of milk, impair breastfeeding or cause discomfort such as diarrhea, gas or irritation in the baby. In addition, some teas can also interfere with the production of breast milk, reducing its ...