Home Home-Remedies 3 Steps to Eliminate a Facial Bruise

3 Steps to Eliminate a Facial Bruise


A head trauma can cause a facial bruise, leaving the eye black and swollen, which is a painful and unsightly situation.

What you can do to reduce the pain, swelling and purplish color of the skin is to take advantage of the medicinal properties of the ice, do a massage called lymphatic drainage and use an ointment for bruises, for example.

However, if the region is bloody, a medical evaluation is recommended and if there are traces of dirt like dirt, it is recommended to go to the emergency room so that the wound is properly treated by a nurse. But if the region is clean, being only swollen, painful and purple, the treatment can be done at home, in a simple way.

How to take black eye

1. Use cold or warm compresses

The first step is to wash your face with plenty of cold water with soap or soap to clean your skin. Then, apply cold water compresses or an ice pebble wrapped in a diaper, making a gentle massage. It is necessary to wrap the ice pebble in a diaper or other thin fabric, so as not to burn the skin. Use the ice until it melts and then add another. The maximum time for the total use of the ice is 15 minutes, but this procedure can be performed several times a day, with intervals of approximately 1 hour.

After 48 hours, the region should be less swollen and painful and the purple mark should be more yellow, which means an improvement in the lesion. From this moment on, it may be more appropriate to place warm compresses in place, leaving on the affected eye until cool. Whenever it cools, you should replace the compress with one that is warm. The total time for using warm compresses should be approximately 20 minutes, twice a day.

2. Massage the place

In addition to the small massage done with an ice pebble, it can be useful to do another type of massage called lymphatic drainage. This specific massage unclogs the lymphatic channels, reducing swelling and redness in a few minutes, but it needs to be done correctly to achieve your goals. See how to do lymphatic drainage on the face.

3. Apply ointment for hematoma

Ointments like Hirudoid can be used to reduce bruising, but homemade options like iced chamomile tea and arnica or aloe vera (Aloe Vera) are also good options and can be easily found in pharmacies or health food stores. To use, follow the instructions provided in the instructions for each medication.

This step-by-step can be carried out for about 5 days but usually the swelling and the purple marks disappear in 4 days, when all these precautions are followed. Learn about other home remedy options for hematoma.

3 Steps to Eliminate a Facial Bruise