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4 Tips to Control Negative Emotions


Anger, sadness, insecurity, fear or revolt are some of the negative emotions that can take over our mind, which often arrive without warning and without knowing what really caused this bad feeling. In these situations, it is important to remain calm, trying to identify the reason that caused the bad feeling and focusing the energy on pleasant activities.

It is not always easy to overcome negative emotions, as they often arise from delicate situations such as arguments, excessive worries, job changes, heartbreak or disappointments, for example. So, for the well-being of the body and mental health, when negative emotions arise you should take into account the following tips:

1. Keep calm

To be able to control and overcome your emotions, the first step is to always remain calm and not despair and for this you must:

  • Stop what you are doing and take a deep breath, breathing in the air through your nose and releasing it through your mouth slowly; Try to relax, moving your body, swinging your arms and legs and stretching your neck to the right and to the left. Go get some fresh air and try to relax, counting from 60 to 0, slowly and gradually, looking up if possible.

In addition to these small attitudes, you can also try to calm down and relax with the help of medicinal plants, taking a natural tea of ​​valerian or passion fruit for example.

2. Identify the Reason

Identifying the reason for the negative feeling is the second thing you should try to do after you calm down, and it is very important that you take the time to think and reflect on the situation. Sometimes, venting to someone about what you are feeling and about the situation can also help, as this way you can also analyze points of view that you had not considered.

Once you have identified the reason that led to emotional out of control, you should try to plan what you are going to do from now on to avoid this type of out of control, even if it means moving away from someone specific or from a particular situation.

3. Make a list of feelings

Dedicating time to building a list of feelings is another very important tip, which can help you overcome a phase of negative feelings.

To do this, just make a list and divide it into two parts, where on one side you should write a list of the positive and pleasant feelings you want to feel, such as confidence, courage or calm, and on the other side you should write all negative feelings that feels like fear, anger or anguish.

These types of lists are very useful in helping to deal with and overcome feelings, and can also be made when there are doubts about whether a person or situation is being harmful, in this case acting as a list of the positive and negative feelings that are transmitted.

4. Do what you like

Doing activities that you enjoy and give pleasure such as watching a movie, going for a walk, writing a diary, painting, listening to music or reading a book is another tip that helps to overcome negative feelings. These types of activities help to manage and overcome negative feelings, since attention is focused on the well-being and pleasure that the activity brings you.

To achieve positive feelings, it is necessary to do something that can give pleasure, such as watching a movie, writing in a diary, listening to music or enjoying food, for example.

Controlling emotions is not always easy, as it is necessary to manage negative thoughts well, and it is also important to hold on to be more optimistic and to think positive.

How to think positive

To control emotions it is important to focus on positive thoughts daily, trying to be optimistic and focusing on solutions rather than problems. So, some of the ways that can help you think positive include:

  • Record the positive moments daily: at the end of each day you should record 3 pleasant moments that have happened, for example, writing or photographing; Laugh and smile: you must keep your mood positive and stable during the day, laughing at yourself and with others; Be faithful to your values: it is important to record the fundamental values ​​of life on paper and live by following them whenever possible; Living with important people: one must keep in contact with people who provoke pleasant feelings, such as family or close friends; Plan the day-to-day: to be positivist you must plan the work routines, domestic or leisure, using an agenda, always thinking that you will succeed. Be cautious and thoughtful: you must evaluate all situations well, anticipating what can happen in a positive and negative way; Be flexible: the person must try to adapt to situations, always putting himself in the other person's shoes.

These are some rules that can help you to be more positive, however it is important to remember that being positive is above all a choice that everyone must make. In addition, having healthy habits, such as maintaining a balanced diet, practicing physical exercise and sleeping well, is essential to feel good and in balance, also contributing to positive shape and well-being.

4 Tips to Control Negative Emotions