Home Bulls Tips that help fight stretch marks in pregnancy

Tips that help fight stretch marks in pregnancy


Daily use moisturizing cream and oils, regular weight control and frequent and balanced meals are some tips that can help to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy or that at least manage to reduce the intensity with which they appear.

Stretch marks on the skin are common during pregnancy, especially on the chest, belly and thigh regions and consist of small "lines" that appear on the skin in a pink color, which later tend to turn white. These fine lines that appear are actually scars, which are formed when the skin stretches quickly in a short time, due to the growth of the belly and breasts and due to the growth of the baby.

A large majority of women have stretch marks during pregnancy and to try to prevent their appearance it is recommended that you follow the following tips:

1. Use moisturizing creams and oils

Moisturizing creams and oils rich in Vitamin E, suitable for providing deep hydration to the skin during pregnancy reduce the chances of the appearance of stretch marks, as they increase the skin's elasticity. A good option that can be used is Bio-Oil, which is rich in vitamin E and should be applied from the fourth month of pregnancy on areas that are prone to stretch marks such as the glutes, thighs, abdomen and breasts.

Use moisturizing creams and oils

2. Massage regularly on the belly and breasts

Regularly massaging the belly and breasts also helps to prevent stretch marks, as it gives the skin a better elasticity and helps to activate blood circulation in these regions. It is important that these massages are done daily, especially in regions with a greater tendency for the appearance of stretch marks such as belly, breasts and thighs and can be done when the cream or oil is applied on the body after bathing, for example.

Know the benefits, contraindications and necessary care of Massage in Pregnancy.

Regularly massage the belly and breasts

3. Wear appropriate underwear

Wearing appropriate underwear that allows you to hold your belly well and helps support your breasts also helps to reduce the chances of stretch marks. In addition, wearing loose, cotton clothing is also important, as not tightening facilitates blood circulation.

Wear appropriate underwear that allows you to hold your belly well and helps support your breasts

4. Eat foods rich in vitamin C and E

Foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, are foods rich in antioxidant substances, such as beta-carotene or flavonoids, which act as skin collagen stimulants, also contributing to the fight against stretch marks.

On the other hand, foods rich in vitamin E, such as whole grains, vegetable oils and seeds, are used to protect the body's cells, with vitamin E being an antioxidant vitamin with anti-aging properties for the skin.

Eat foods rich in vitamin C and E

5. Control weight during pregnancy

Controlling weight during pregnancy also helps to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and for this it is necessary that the pregnant woman regularly monitor her weight and maintain a healthy and balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, white meats, fish and eggs, avoiding foods with excess fats and sugars. See what foods to eat during pregnancy in Pregnancy Feeding.

Control weight and maintain a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy

During pregnancy it is acceptable to gain between 11 and 15 kg during pregnancy, however the maximum acceptable weight will depend on the pregnant woman. Find out how many kilos you can put on in How many kilos can I put on during pregnancy?

In addition, drinking plenty of water daily, approximately 2 liters per day, is also very important to maintain proper hydration and skin elasticity, also helping to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, since dehydrated skin is always more prone to your skin. appearance.

How to eliminate stretch marks after pregnancy

If you want to know what are the options to eliminate red, purple or white stretch marks after pregnancy, watch the following video:

Tips that help fight stretch marks in pregnancy