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How to prevent thrombosis


Deep vein thrombosis is usually more common in adults who stand for a long time, smoke, take the birth control pill or who are overweight, for example.

However, thrombosis can be prevented by simple measures, such as avoiding sitting for a long time, drinking water during the day and wearing comfortable clothes, for example. In addition, it is important to perform physical activity at least twice a week, as well as having a balanced diet, rich in vegetables, and avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol in excess.

It is important to inform the general practitioner of previous cases of deep vein thrombosis or family history of the disease, as it is recommended to wear compression stockings, especially during long trips or on jobs that require standing for a long time.

1. Avoid sitting too long

To avoid thrombus formation, it is recommended that the person does not sit for a long time, but take regular breaks to take short walks, especially during trips, for example. Short walks throughout the day stimulate circulation, favoring the blood to return to the heart and thus preventing not only the formation of thrombi, but also reducing swelling in the legs.

2. Move your legs and feet every 30 minutes

If it is not possible to get up and walk on a regular basis, it is recommended that every 30 minutes the legs and feet are moved or massaged so that the circulation is activated and the formation of thrombi is avoided.

So, it is interesting to rotate your ankles and stretch your legs for 30 seconds, for example.

3. Avoid crossing your legs

The act of crossing the legs can directly interfere with the venous return, that is, the return of blood to the heart. Therefore, it is recommended that people who are at risk of having thrombi avoid crossing the feathers, because this way blood circulation is facilitated.

In addition to avoid crossing the legs, women should also avoid walking in high shoes every day, as this can also favor the formation of thrombi.

4. Wear comfortable clothing

The use of tight pants and shoes can also interfere with circulation and favor the formation of thrombi, so it is recommended that comfortable and tight shoes and pants are worn.

In some cases, the use of elastic stockings may be recommended, as they aim to compress the skin and stimulate circulation, and should be used as directed by the doctor.

5. Drink water during the day

The consumption of at least 2 liters of water per day is essential, because in addition to being essential for the proper functioning of the body, water makes the blood more fluid, facilitating circulation and preventing the formation of thrombi.

In addition to drinking fluids throughout the day, it is important to pay attention to food, giving preference to foods that are able to stimulate blood circulation, reduce swelling in the legs and prevent the formation of thrombi, such as salmon, sardines, orange and tomato, for example.

How to prevent thrombosis