Home Bulls 5 Tips for Losing Belly Fat

5 Tips for Losing Belly Fat


To lose belly fat, it is recommended to have a healthy diet and do physical activity on a regular basis, so that it is possible to burn accumulated fat, improve the cardiovascular system and increase metabolism, making the body spend more energy during the day and at night, favoring, then, the loss of abdominal fat.

In addition, it is interesting to invest in natural thermogens, such as green tea, for example, as they speed up metabolism and have a diuretic effect, reducing fluid accumulation and eliminating abdominal fat more quickly.

The 5 tips to eliminate belly fat are:

1. Drink green tea

In addition to drinking water, teas should be taken because they help eliminate toxins and help you lose weight. A great example is green tea, which has catechins that help to dry the belly, or a diuretic tea such as the mixture of dandelion with leather hat and sarsaparilla, which helps to eliminate excess body fluids, deflating the belly.

See the recipe for other 5 types of teas to lose weight and lose weight faster.

2. Exercise every day

Exercising daily is important not only to lose abdominal fat, but also to make you more willing to perform day-to-day tasks, prevent the occurrence of diseases and improve the quality of life.

One of the exercise options to burn abdominal fat is jogging, because during this exercise the body uses accumulated fat as an energy source. In addition to running, it is important to do some exercise such as gymnastics or weight training to ensure the growth of muscles, which naturally increase metabolism and favor the elimination of accumulated fat. Know some exercises to define the belly.

3. Eat more vegetables and greens

To eat well it is necessary to eat small meals every 3 hours, investing more in vegetables and cereals. Eating fiber at every meal is a great strategy for not getting hungry. Writing down everything you eat, making a food record, helps you get a better sense of everything you are eating, making it easier to identify dietary errors. See 3 recipes to lose belly.

In addition, very sweet and fatty and frozen foods ready to be consumed should be avoided whenever possible. The diet to lose the belly must be based on natural foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins like white meats or tofu. To end the fat in your belly, make regular meals during the day, avoiding times when the volume of the meal is very large, thus avoiding the excessive production of insulin and the increase in fat mass.

4. Eat high fiber foods

It is important to have a diet rich in fiber, preferably present in fruits and vegetables, so that the intestine is functioning regularly. In this way it is possible to avoid constipation and the use of laxatives that can irritate the intestine and lead to abdominal bloating and increased gas production, for example.

To help regulate the intestine, invest in seeds like sesame, flaxseed and chia, adding 1 tablespoon to each meal. However, to ensure the elimination of feces, drink 2 liters of water, juice and unsweetened tea, every day. See more examples of high fiber foods.

5. Massage the belly with fat-reducing cream

Daily localized massage on the belly helps to activate blood circulation and shape the silhouette. The additives that must be present in a good fat-burning cream are caffeine or methyl nicotinate, such as the reducing gel with DMAE, from Bio-Médicin.

It is in the fat that the toxins are concentrated, so it is very important to ensure good hydration and thus facilitate the elimination of them by the intestine and urine, because when there is a great burning of localized fat, there is also a great release of toxins by the body, which must be eliminated so as not to cause swelling and lead to premature aging.

Here's how the diet should be to help you lose localized fat:

5 Tips for Losing Belly Fat