Home Symptoms 5 Tips to regulate the intestine

5 Tips to regulate the intestine


To keep the intestinal flora balanced and avoid the appearance of intestinal problems such as constipation or diarrhea, in addition to drinking a lot every day, eat every 3 hours to stimulate normal bowel movements facilitating the expulsion of feces, for lazy intestines other good strategies to adopt are:

1. Take probiotics 3 times a week

Probiotics are living microorganisms that contribute to increase the good bacteria in the intestine and improve the intestinal flora. They can be purchased as a powder to take after meals mixed with water or juice or eat foods rich in probiotics which can be yogurt, kefir yogurt or fermented milk like actimel or yakult, but probiotics can also be consumed in capsules. See where to buy these foods and how to consume them at: Probiotics.

2. Eat 20 to 40 g of fiber daily

Fiber-rich foods like cereals, fruits and vegetables improve bowel function, helping to regulate intestinal transit. See a complete list of these foods and how to use them in your meals at: Diet rich in fiber.

3. Season the salad with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps to prevent constipation and regenerate intestinal flora.

4. Avoid consumption of processed foods

Industrialized foods, fast food and sausages decrease the number of good bacteria and produce substances that are toxic to the intestine, changing the composition of the intestinal flora. In addition, sugar, white bread and cakes should also be avoided, as they increase gas production and facilitate belly swelling.

5. Use oregano, thyme and sage to season

Aromatic herbs help to control the growth of "bad" bacteria, also increase the intestinal muscle tone, in addition to improving the taste of food.

To know what to eat and how to make an excellent home remedy for stuck intestines, watch the video:

See also how to make an excellent home remedy to regulate the bowel.

5 Tips to regulate the intestine