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5 Tips for living well with diverticulitis


To live well with diverticulitis it is important to ensure the proper functioning of the intestine, keeping it regulated, in order to prevent the diverticula, which are bags that form in the intestine, from igniting, giving rise to an acute diverticulitis, which in addition to being painful can serious complications and surgical treatment may be necessary.

In this way, 5 tips that help to keep the intestine regulated, preventing diverticulitis are:

1. Eat fiber every day

Foods rich in fiber, such as apples, pears, mangoes, papayas, carrots, broccoli or spinach, for example, help keep the intestines regulated and prevent diverticula from inflating. See a more complete list with this type of food.

This is because the fibers cannot be digested and, therefore, stimulate the intestine to function better. Thus, the feces are eliminated more quickly, avoiding the accumulation of bacteria that can lead to the emergence of acute diverticulitis.

2. Give preference to raw foods

This tip works in a similar way to fiber-rich foods, as eating raw foods prevents the loss of fiber during cooking. In this way, even if you eat foods with a low amount of fiber, they are maintained and ingested, helping in the functioning of the intestine. Find out other tips on how to feed.

The amount of fiber that a person with diverticula in the intestine must consume to avoid diverticulitis is about 25 to 35 g of fiber per day. Find out how to include this amount of fiber in your diet, daily, by watching the following video:

3. Drink 2 liters of water a day

Adequate water consumption during the day helps to keep stools well hydrated, facilitating their passage through the intestine. When this does not happen, and the feces end up becoming very dry, they can end up accumulating inside the intestinal diverticula. If this happens, the bacteria can develop more easily, causing inflammation of the intestine and the appearance of symptoms of acute diverticulitis.

However, the amount of water needed is different for each person, depending on their weight and level of physical activity, for example. Check out how you can calculate your required water quantity.

4. Do regular exercise

Practicing some physical activity, about 2 to 3 times a week, such as 30-minute walks, swimming or running, for example, are essential to maintain regular bowel movements, ensuring their best functioning.

5. Avoid using laxatives

The use of laxatives should be avoided, especially during attacks of acute diverticulitis, as this type of medication causes the excessive functioning of the intestine, increasing the movements of the organ wall. Thus, if there is pain and inflammation caused by diverticulitis, laxatives may worsen symptoms.

Learn more about how to treat and prevent the onset of symptoms in diverticulitis.

5 Tips for living well with diverticulitis