Home Home-Remedies 5 Soup recipes that dry the belly

5 Soup recipes that dry the belly


Soups are excellent options to help you lose weight and fight fluid retention, because with them it is possible to include good amounts of vitamins, minerals and fibers in the meal, nutrients that help to give satiety and improve the metabolism to burn fat.

In addition, they are practical meals that can be easily frozen for use for several days, facilitating diet planning. So, to help dry and stay focused on the diet, here are 5 easy and tasty soup recipes:

1. Onion soup

Onions are rich in antioxidants that help reduce cholesterol and control blood pressure, which facilitates blood circulation and elimination of excess fluids.


  • 400 ml of water 2 onions 1 branch of celery2 tomatoes1 green pepper1 turnip 1 pinch of pepper, garlic and green smell to taste

Method of preparation:

Cut the onions, celery, turnip and pepper into large pieces, place in the pan together with the whole tomatoes and add the water. Add salt and spices to taste and cook for about 30 minutes. At the end, soup can be beaten in a blender to turn a cream, giving more satiety.

2. Cassava soup

This soup is rich in fiber, protein and carbohydrates and can be used for lunch or dinner.


  • 1 carrot1 chayote1 pack of green scent1 cup of green tea1 cassava1 eggplant2 tablespoons of olive oil2 turnips1 packet of spinach1 zucchiniSalt, pepper, garlic and green scent to taste

Method of preparation:

Cut the ingredients into large cubes. Sauté the vegetables in olive oil with seasonings to taste, and add water until covered. Let it cook for about 20 to 30 minutes and serve hot.

3. Light Chicken Soup

Because it contains chicken, this soup has a good amount of protein, a nutrient that gives energy and improves the health of the skin, hair and muscle mass.


  • 3 carrots1 bunch of cabbage2 chayote1 pack of watercress2 seedless tomatoes1 packet of spinach300 g of chicken fillet cut into cubes2 tablespoons of oilOnion, garlic, salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation:

Season the diced chicken with garlic, salt, pepper, parsley and herbs to taste. Sauté the chicken in olive oil and add the other ingredients, covering everything with water. Cook until the carrot is tender and the chicken is well cooked. Serve hot.

4. Diuretic leek and string soup

Leeks and onions are super diuretic foods that, together with the fibers present in the vegetables in this soup, will bring benefits such as a greater feeling of satiety, improved intestinal functioning and stimulation of blood circulation, reducing swelling and gas production.


  • 1 chopped onion1 crushed garlic clove1 tablespoon of olive oil1 / 2 leek unit1 grated carrot1 grated turnip1 / 2 chopped red cabbage200 g of green beans2 tomatoes2 chopped cabbage leaves in thin stripsSalt, pepper and green smell to taste


Sauté the onion and garlic in olive oil. Add the leeks, carrots, cabbage, green beans and turnip, leaving to sauté for another 2-3 minutes. Add water and spices such as salt, pepper and green smell. Cook for 20 minutes and add the tomatoes and cabbage, leaving on low heat for another 10 minutes. If necessary, add more water.

Watch the video below and learn how to combine vegetables to make various detox soups:

5 Soup recipes that dry the belly