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Health Benefits of Broccoli


Broccoli is a cruciferous plant that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. This vegetable, in addition to having few calories (25 calories in 100 grams), is scientifically known for having high concentrations of sulforaphanes. Some scientific studies indicate that these compounds could help prevent potentially cancerous cell changes, in addition to being associated with a lower risk of myocardial infarction.

The best way to consume broccoli is through its leaves and stems steamed for about 20 minutes to prevent the loss of vitamin C. It is also possible to consume it raw in salads and juices. Consuming this vegetable regularly helps to improve the immune system and relieve constipation.

1. Reduces cholesterol

Broccoli is a food rich in soluble fibers, which bind to cholesterol in the intestine and decrease its absorption, being eliminated through feces and helping to control its levels in the body.

2. Prevents cardiovascular disease

In addition to lowering cholesterol, broccoli keeps blood vessels stronger and is therefore able to keep blood pressure under control. In addition, it contains sulforaphane, a substance with anti-inflammatory properties that prevents the appearance of lesions in blood vessels and the development of diseases in the coronary arteries.

3. Facilitates digestion

Broccoli is a good way to keep the digestive process working properly, as its rich composition in sulforaphane regulates the amounts of bacteria in the stomach, such as Helicobacter pylori , preventing the appearance of ulcers or gastritis, for example.

4. Prevents constipation

The fibers present in broccoli accelerate intestinal transit and increase the volume of feces, which together with sufficient water intake, favors the exit of feces.

5. Protects the eyes

Lutein is a type of carotenoid present in broccoli that could help protect the eyes against late macular degradation and the development of cataracts, problems that make vision blurred, especially in the elderly. The concentration of lutein in broccoli is 7.1 to 33 mcg per gram of weight of this vegetable.

6. Prevents joint problems

Broccoli is a vegetable with excellent anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce joint inflammation, which can delay the development of joint problems such as osteoarthritis, for example.

7. Increases the body's defenses

Due to its amount of vitamin C, glucosinolates and selenium, the consumption of broccoli regularly helps to increase the body's defenses and improve the immune system, as well as protect the body against infections.

8. Prevents the appearance of cancer

Broccoli is rich in sulforafan, glucosinolates and indole-3-carbinol, substances that act as antioxidants, helping to prevent the development of various types of cancer, especially stomach and bowel cancer. In addition, indole-3-carbinol also decreases the amount of estrogen circulating in the blood, preventing the appearance of cancer cells whose growth depends on this hormone.

Some studies suggest that consuming 1/2 cup of broccoli a day may help prevent cancer.

Nutritional information for broccoli

Components Quantity in 100 g of raw broccoli Quantity in 100 g of cooked broccoli
Calories 25 Kcal 25 Kcal
Fat 0.30 g 0.20 g
Carbohydrates 5.50 g 5.50 g
Proteins 3.6 g 2.1 g
Fibers 2.9 g 3.4 g
Calcium 86 g 51 g
Magnesium 30 g 15 g
Phosphor 13 g 28 g
Iron 0.5 g 0.2 g
Sodium 14 mg 3 mg
Potassium 425 mg 315 mg
Vitamin C 6.5 mg 5.1 mg

Broccoli Recipes

Broccoli can be prepared in a variety of ways, from boiled and cooked, however the best way to eat it is raw, since this way there is no loss of nutrients. So, a good tip for using raw broccoli is to make a salad or use it in the preparation of natural juice, along with orange, melon or carrot, for example.

1. Rice with broccoli

To prepare this rice enriched with broccoli just add in a cup of rice, and two cups of water. Only when the rice is 10 minutes away is a cup of chopped broccoli added, including leaves, stems and flowers.

To further increase the nutritional value of this recipe, brown rice can be used.

2. Broccoli salad with carrots

Cut the broccoli and place in a pan with about 1 liter of water and cook until it softens a little. As the cooking time of the broccoli is different from the carrot, you must put the carrot to cook before and when it is almost ready you must add the broccoli in the salted water. After cooking, sprinkle with a drizzle of olive oil. Another option is to sauté 2 garlic cloves in the oil and sprinkle the broccoli and carrots before serving.

3. Broccoli au gratin

Leave the whole broccoli on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and sprinkle with salt, chopped parsley and black pepper. Cover with the cheese of your choice, grated or cut into strips, and bake for about 20 minutes.

4. Broccoli juice with apple


  • 3 small units of green apple; 2 cups of broccoli; 1 lemon; 1.5 L of cold water

Method of preparation

Cut the apple and broccoli stalks, put in a blender and add the water and the juice of 1 lemon. Beat all the ingredients and then drink. This juice can also include other green leaves, such as coriander and parsley, for example.

Health Benefits of Broccoli