Home Symptoms What is hip tendonitis and what to do

What is hip tendonitis and what to do


Hip tendonitis is a common problem in athletes who overuse the tendons around the hip, causing them to become inflamed and cause symptoms such as pain when walking, radiating to the leg, or difficulty moving one or both legs.

Usually, hip tendonitis affects athletes who practice physical activities that involve excessive use of the legs, such as running, cycling or soccer, but it can also occur in the elderly due to progressive wear of the hip joint.

Hip tendonitis is curable in most cases, however, the chances of cure are greater in young people who are undergoing physical therapy.

What symptoms

Symptoms of tendonitis in the hip can include:

  • Hip pain, which worsens over time; Hip pain, radiating to the leg; Difficulty moving the legs; Leg cramps, especially after long periods of rest; Difficulty walking, sitting or lying on the affected side.

The patient with symptoms of tendonitis in the hip should consult a physical therapist or orthopedist to perform a physical examination, diagnose the problem and initiate appropriate treatment.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for tendonitis in the hip must be guided by a physiotherapist, but it can usually be started at home with rest and an ice pack for 20 minutes, until the day of the consultation with the orthopedic doctor.

After the consultation, and depending on the cause of tendonitis in the hip, it may be recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, and to undergo physical therapy for tendonitis in the hip, which includes a set of exercises that help to relieve pressure on the tendons, decreasing the pain.

In the most severe cases, treatment for tendonitis in the hip may include surgery to remove tendon injuries or to replace the hip joint, especially in the case of elderly patients.

Exercises for tendonitis in the hip

Exercises for tendonitis in the hip help to warm up the tendons and therefore relieve pain. However, they should be avoided if they are causing severe pain.

Exercise 1: Swinging your legs

Exercise 2: Hip stretch

Exercise 1: Swinging your legs

To do this exercise, you must stand next to a wall, holding the wall with your closest arm. Then, slightly lift the leg furthest from the wall and swing it back and forth 10 times, lifting it as far as possible.

Then, the leg should return to the starting position and the exercise should be repeated, swinging the leg from side to side in front of the leg that is resting on the floor. Finish the exercise by repeating the steps with the other leg.

Exercise 2: Hip stretch

To perform the second exercise, the person must lie on their backs and bend the right knee towards the chest. With the left hand, pull the right knee to the left side of the body, maintaining the position shown in image 2, for 20 seconds. Then, one should return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the left knee.

Know other causes of hip pain.

What is hip tendonitis and what to do