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What to do to increase body temperature


Hypothermia corresponds to a decrease in body temperature, which is below 35 ºC and can happen when you remain without adequate equipment in the cold winter or after accidents in freezing water, for example. In these cases, body heat is able to escape quickly through the skin, leading to hypothermia.

Hypothermia can be fatal and, therefore, it is very important to start first aid as soon as possible, to preserve body temperature:

  1. Take the person to a warm place, protected from the cold; Remove wet clothes, if necessary; Place blankets over the person and keep the neck and head well wrapped; Place hot water bags on the blanket or other devices that help increase body temperature; Offer a hot drink, avoiding it being coffee or an alcoholic drink, as they increase heat loss.

During this process, if possible, try to keep the body temperature monitored using a thermometer. This makes it easier to assess whether the temperature is rising or not. If the temperature goes below 33º, medical assistance should be called immediately.

If the person has lost consciousness, lay him on his side and wrap up, avoiding, in these cases, giving fluids or putting anything else in his mouth, as it can cause suffocation. In addition, it is important to be aware of the person, because if he stops breathing it is important, in addition to calling for medical help, to start cardiac massage to keep the blood circulating in the body. See step-by-step instructions to do the massage correctly.

What not to do

In cases of hypothermia it is not recommended to apply heat directly, such as hot water or heat lamp, for example, as they can cause burns. In addition, if the victim is unconscious or unable to swallow, it is not advisable to give drinks, as it can cause choking and vomiting.

It is also contraindicated to give alcoholic beverages to the victim as well as coffee, as they can alter blood circulation, also interfering in the process of warming up.

How hypothermia affects the body

When the body is exposed to very low temperatures, it initiates processes that try to increase the temperature and correct heat loss. It is for this reason that one of the first signs of cold is the appearance of tremors. These tremors are involuntary movements of the body's muscles that try to produce energy and heat.

In addition, the brain also causes vasoconstriction, which causes the vessels in the body to become narrower, especially in the extremities, such as hands or feet, preventing too much heat from being wasted.

Finally, in the most severe cases of hypothermia, the body decreases the activity of the brain, heart and liver to try to decrease the heat loss that happens with the functioning of these organs.

Understand better how the cold of winter affects health.

What to do to increase body temperature