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How to cool off on summer days


When the days are very hot due to summer, the number of emergency cases in hospitals can increase, especially due to problems such as insect bites, dehydration, burns or even food poisoning.

So, to have a safer summer and avoid running the risk of having any of these problems, there are simple tips, such as wearing light clothing or changing the exercise schedule, which can be done every day.

However, it is important to remember that other more common winter problems, such as breathing problems and the flu, can also happen in people of any age.

1. Avoid the sun between 12pm and 4pm

Although it is not possible to avoid the sun completely, the most important thing is to avoid exposure during the hottest hours, that is, between noon and 4 pm. At this time, the sun's rays are stronger and, therefore, in addition to a greater risk of sunburn, there is also a greater loss of water through the skin, which can cause severe dehydration.

During this time, even if you are not lying in the sun, it is essential to apply sunscreen every 3 hours, wear a hat and put on sunglasses. Find out which protector is best for your skin!

2. Do morning exercises

Physical exercise is essential to keep your body functioning properly, as well as to eliminate toxins. So it does not need, nor should it be avoided in the summer. It is best to exercise early in the morning, which is when the day is coolest. And whenever possible, physical activity should be done in shady places.

3. Wear light-colored cotton clothes

The use of light, light colored clothes helps the skin to eliminate excess heat from the body. Thus, it is preferable to opt for light t-shirts, shorts and summer dresses, for example. Never wear dark clothing, such as black, brown or navy blue, as they absorb more heat.

In addition, it is advisable to prefer clothes made of natural material, such as cotton or linen, instead of synthetic fabrics, such as polyester or lycra, as they allow the skin to breathe more easily, avoiding an excessive increase in body temperature.

4. Drink 2 liters of water every day

This tip seems obvious, but in fact most people forget to drink water during the day, especially when they are working. So, even if you are not at the beach or by the pool, it is important to keep a bottle of water close by, so that you try to drink 2 liters of fluids a day, to maintain hydration.

Some examples of perfect drinks to hydrate in addition to water are natural fruit juices, coconut water or even iced tea, for example. The ideal is to avoid soft drinks and sugary drinks, as they do not hydrate enough and may even cause a lack of water in the body.

Check out in this video some cool tricks to drink more water during the day:

5. Avoid spicy and indigestible meals

Very large meals, with spicy foods or other indigestible ingredients, such as sausages, for example, slow down the body and cause overwork in the stomach, making it difficult to eliminate heat.

Thus, one should choose to eat lighter meals and foods with better digestion, such as vegetables, fruits and pasta, for example. See other suggestions of what to eat in the heat.

6. Have the air conditioner turned on or a fan

This tip needs almost no explanation. In fact, having your home or workplace air conditioning on is the best way to keep yourself cool. But don't forget that this type of equipment needs to be revised every year to avoid the accumulation of bacteria that can cause serious diseases, such as legionella.

If you do not have air conditioning, an alternative is to use a fan. Although the fan does not refresh the air, it allows you to create small drafts that, in contact with your skin, help eliminate excess heat, refreshing the body.

7. Leave the doors and windows open

Leaving home doors and windows open is a great way to complement the use of the fan. This is because it is easier to renew the air, preventing the environment from becoming too stuffy.

But beware! It is important that, if you are in a region with dengue mosquitoes, put mosquito nets on all windows and doors, before leaving them open.

Signs that may indicate problems with heat

Heat stroke is one of the main complications of excessive exposure to heat. To know if you have a heat stroke it is important to be aware of the symptoms:

  • Fever and red skin, no sweat; Fast pulse and headache; Wheezing; Dizziness and mental confusion.

In this case, it is recommended to try to refresh the body as soon as possible, drinking fresh water or juice, washing your hands, wrists and neck with fresh water and standing in front of a fan, for example. But if the symptoms do not alleviate it is better to go to the doctor.

See better what to do in case of heat stroke.

How to cool off on summer days