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7 Tips for running when you are overweight


When you are overweight, which is when your BMI is between 25 and 29, running should be practiced under the guidance of a physical education professional to avoid injuries and health problems. Thus, it is recommended that before starting to run, tests are performed to assess cardiorespiratory fitness and the health of bones and joints, for example.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles, calculate the heartbeat, set a goal and eat properly before and after running training to have benefits.

Normally, running is one of the physical activities that most burns fat and helps you lose weight faster, as there is an exchange of fat mass for lean mass, however it is important to run at least 3 times a week. Learn how running can lose weight.

Some tips that are important for those who want to run and are overweight include:

1. Plan workouts with a trainer

Running training should always be planned by a fitness coach or trainer who must establish an individual plan adapted to the person's abilities and limitations.

However, sometimes running may not be the first option for those who are overweight, and it may be necessary to do a progressive workout as shown in the table, starting with a light walk for about 30 minutes. According to the person's evolution, the trainer can recommend a trot walk, which is a walk with a slightly more intense pace, or a slow run, for example. Know the main benefits of walking.

The difficulty of training should gradually increase, since running is a physical activity with great impact on the joints, especially on the knees, in addition to requiring good heart capacity.

2. Choose the best route

You should choose to run on the grass, on flat dirt paths or even on the treadmill and avoid running on the asphalt, as the risk of injury can be greater. In addition, you must choose flat paths and avoid ascents and descents for the race to be more effective.

3. Calculate heart rate

It is also important to calculate the maximum heart rate per minute that occurs in the effort so that there is no overload of the heart during exercise. To calculate the beats that the heart must reach during the race, the following formula can be applied: 208 - (0.7 x age in years). For example, a person aged 30 should calculate: 208 - (0.7 x 30 years) = 187, which is the number of beats per minute that the heart must reach during the run.

To calculate the heartbeat you can also use a frequency meter, a cardiac monitor or use a watch with a cardiac band, for example.

4. Strengthen the musculature

When you are an overweight runner it is essential to do weight training, especially the leg muscles to prevent knee and ankle injuries, which are common in runners.

In this way, you can do squats, sit-ups, planks and use the devices that work the hips and muscles of the back of the leg, always with the indication of the gym teacher.

5. Running together

Usually, running in the company of a colleague, friend or teacher works as a stimulus making the person feel more and more capable of reaching their goals.

6. Set a goal

It is essential to define a distance, which should not exceed 5 km in the first month, and which can be increased progressively. For example, you can increase 1 km in each week of running, if the trainer realizes that the person is well conditioned. By setting the goal, the person is able to focus his concentration better, finding ways to overcome himself.

7. Breathing correctly

When running, abdominal breathing should be used, using the diaphragm, inhaling for 3 strides and exhaling for 2 strides, as it allows alternating feet to be used during exhalation, avoiding the risk of injury, in addition to greater oxygen uptake.

Before you start running

When you are overweight and you want to start running it is essential to go to the doctor to do the necessary exams and know if you are able to run. Thus, you should:

  • Assess the BMI, which is between 25 and 29 when the person is overweight. Learn how to calculate BMI; Assess the rate of body fat, which varies with age and sex, but which should generally be less than 18% in men and less than 25% in women; Measure the abdominal circumference, which must be less than 80 cm in women and 90 cm in men; Make an ergospirometric test, which assesses the level of physical fitness, the functioning of the heart and lungs; Take a blood test to evaluate glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol, for example.

Only after going to the doctor can the trainer prescribe a training for the person to be able to lose weight and run without taking risks.

What to eat before and after the race

When you are overweight, you should consult a nutritionist so that you can make a diet adapted to your needs. Correct nutrition is essential before and after running, as it is necessary to provide adequate energy for needs, reduce muscle damage and promote physical recovery.

In addition, drinking at least half a liter of water during the run and wearing light, comfortable and appropriate shoes for the type of stride is essential.

7 Tips for running when you are overweight