Home Bulls Tips to prevent swollen and bleeding gums

Tips to prevent swollen and bleeding gums


Gingivitis is inflammation of the gingiva whose main symptoms are swelling and redness of the gums, as well as bleeding and pain when chewing or brushing teeth, for example.

This problem is caused, in most cases, by poor oral hygiene but it can also be caused by hormonal changes, such as those that occur in pregnancy.

To prevent gingivitis or to worsen and even cause tooth loss, there are 7 essential tips:

1. Brush your teeth properly

This is probably the most important tip, as it is the most effective way to prevent the accumulation of bacteria that cause damage to the gums. Sometimes, it is possible to have gingivitis even with daily brushing of your teeth and this means that the brushing is not being done properly. See how is the correct technique to brush your teeth.

It is usually recommended to do oral hygiene 2 to 3 times a day, especially upon waking up and at bedtime, but some people may also prefer to do it between meals.

2. Using an electric brush

Whenever possible, it is recommended to use an electric brush to clean the mouth, instead of the ordinary hand brush.

This is because the electric brushes make rotating movements that allow you to reach the most difficult spaces more easily, allowing to eliminate up to 90% of bacteria, unlike the 48% of manual brushes.

3. Floss daily

Using dental floss after brushing is another way to ensure that tartar and leftover food, which are between the teeth, are completely eliminated, preventing the accumulation of bacteria that lead to the appearance of gingivitis.

Although flossing is painstaking work and can take some time, it does not need to be done every time you brush your teeth, it is recommended to floss only once a day. So, a good tip is to choose the time of day when you have the most time available, like before bed, for example.

4. Have a brush or toothpaste in your bag

This tip is very important for those who have not had time to brush their teeth before leaving home or like to brush their teeth between meals, as it allows you to wash your teeth in some bathroom, such as at work, for example.

Another option is to keep a toothbrush and toothpaste at work or in the car, so that it is available whenever there is time to do oral hygiene. However, it is worth remembering that more than 3 brushings per day can damage tooth enamel.

5. Consuming foods with vitamin C

Vitamin C, present in foods such as oranges, strawberries, acerola or broccoli, is one of the most important components of food for maintaining a healthy mouth. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that helps to strengthen the immune system, helping to fight bacteria that develop in the mouth.

Check out a more complete list of foods with vitamin C.

6. Abandon addictions

Some addictions, such as the regular intake of alcoholic beverages, the use of cigarettes or the excessive consumption of processed or sugary foods, for example, are factors that contribute to the onset of oral diseases. Thus, they should be avoided or, at least, decreased throughout the day.

7. Do professional cleaning every 6 months

Although brushing your teeth at home is one of the simplest ways to keep your mouth clean and free of bacteria, it is a technique that cannot completely eliminate all plaque.

Therefore, every 6 months or at least once a year, it is advisable to go to the dentist and do a professional cleaning, which allows you to eliminate all the tartar and bacteria that are resisting inside the mouth.

Check out these and other tips in the following video:

Tips to prevent swollen and bleeding gums