- What to do to speed up labor
- 1. Having intimate contacts
- 2. Walking
- 3. Do acupuncture
- 4. Taking evening primrose oil
- 5. Take castor oil
- 6. Take raspberry leaf tea
- 7. Drinking Jasmine tea
- Signs that indicate the onset of labor
To speed up labor, you can use some natural methods such as taking a 1-hour walk in the morning and in the afternoon, at a brisk pace, or increasing the frequency of intimate contacts, as this helps to soften the cervix and the increase the pressure of the baby under the pelvis.
Labor starts spontaneously between 37 and 40 weeks of gestation, therefore, these measures to speed up labor should not be done before 37 weeks of pregnancy and if the woman has any complications such as preeclampsia or placenta previa.
What to do to speed up labor
Some ways to speed up labor include:
1. Having intimate contacts
Intimate contact during pregnancy helps to prepare the cervix for childbirth, because it stimulates the production of prostaglandin, in addition to increasing the production of oxytocin, which is responsible for promoting uterine muscle contractions. See the best positions for sex during pregnancy.
Intimate contact to stimulate childbirth is contraindicated from the moment the pouch ruptures due to the risk of infection. Thus, it is recommended that women use other natural methods to accelerate childbirth.
2. Walking
Walking or walking 1 hour in the morning and in the afternoon, with an accelerated step also accelerates labor, because it helps to push the baby down towards the pelvis, due to gravity and the swing of the hip. The pressure of the baby under the womb helps to increase the production of oxytocin, stimulating uterine contractions. This technique is most effective at the beginning of labor, when the pregnant woman begins to experience weak and irregular contractions.
3. Do acupuncture
Acupuncture stimulates uterine activity by stimulating specific points on the body, however it is important that it is done under medical advice and by a specialized professional to avoid complications.
4. Taking evening primrose oil
Evening primrose oil helps the cervix to dilate and become thinner, preparing you for childbirth. However, its use should only be done under the guidance of the obstetrician, who must also adjust the dose according to the pregnant woman.
5. Take castor oil
Castor oil is laxative and, therefore, by causing spasms in the intestine, it can stimulate uterine contractions. However, if the pregnant woman is still not showing signs of labor, she may have severe diarrhea or dehydration. For this reason, the use of this oil should only be done under the direction of the obstetrician.
6. Take raspberry leaf tea
Raspberry leaf tea helps to tone the uterus by preparing it for delivery and making the labor progress at a good pace, without being so painful. Here's how to prepare the home remedy to speed up labor.
7. Drinking Jasmine tea
Tea prepared with Jasmine flowers or leaves can be used to stimulate labor, and it is recommended to take this tea 2 to 3 times a day. In addition, this medicinal plant is also known for its essential oil, which can be used at the beginning of childbirth to massage the lower back, as it relieves pain and cramps.
Other ways to speed up labor, such as eating spicy foods, drinking cinnamon tea or stimulating the nipples are not scientifically proven and can also cause problems in the health and well-being of the pregnant woman such as dehydration, heartburn, diarrhea or vomiting.
There are other ways to accelerate labor used by the obstetrician such as administration through the vein of the hormone oxytocin to stimulate uterine contractions or the rupture of the bag made on purpose by the doctor to expedite labor, but these options are generally used after 40 weeks of gestation.
Signs that indicate the onset of labor
The signs that indicate that the pregnant woman is going to go into labor include an increase in the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions, accompanied by pain, the rupture of the "water bag" and the loss of the mucous plug, which is characterized by the exit of a brown discharge from the vagina.
As soon as the woman begins to experience the symptoms of active labor, it is important that she go to the hospital or maternity ward, as it is a sign that the baby is close to being born. Learn how to recognize signs of labor.