Home Medicinal Plants 8 Health benefits of using astragalus (astragalus)

8 Health benefits of using astragalus (astragalus)


Astragalus is a medicinal plant that is widely used to strengthen the immune system, due to the presence of saponins, which are active substances that strengthen the body, in addition to decreasing the risk of the appearance of various diseases, such as colds, cardiovascular problems and even cancer. In addition, this plant can also be used to improve the feeling of lack of energy, reduce tiredness and fight stress and high cholesterol.

The part of the astragalus used to obtain these effects is its root, which can be sold dry for the preparation of teas or in the form of tincture, capsules or creams, for example.

Astragalus can be purchased at health food stores and some supermarkets, the price of which varies according to the form of presentation. However, the 300 mg capsules, which are the most used, have an average value of 60 reais, for a box with 60 units.

Dry root of astragalus

Main benefits

The use of astragalus can have several proven health benefits, such as:

  1. Strengthen the immune system: contains substances capable of controlling cells of the immune system to function more effectively; Reduce inflammation, such as arthritis and heart disease: due to its composition in saponins and polysaccharides, this plant reduces inflammation and even helps in the healing of various types of injuries; Prevent cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure or heart attack: as it is very rich in antioxidants, astragalus prevents the accumulation of fatty plaques in the arteries; Reduce the risk of cancer: due to its antioxidant action and the fact that it stimulates the immune system; Controlling blood sugar: decreases insulin resistance, allowing sugar to be used by the body without accumulating in the blood; Decrease high cholesterol: with its antioxidant action prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the body; Treating colds and flu: when combined with ginseng or echinacea, it has a powerful antiviral action that is able to eliminate the viruses responsible for these diseases; Relieve side effects of chemotherapy: it has been used to relieve effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

In addition, this plant is still used in Chinese medicine to treat other problems such as herpes, HIV, eczema and even to eliminate the accumulation of fluids. However, these effects are not scientifically proven.

How to use

To obtain the benefits of astragalus, the recommended dose is 500 mg, divided into two daily doses of 250 mg and, therefore, the most reliable way is to use the capsules. However, it must be adapted to each person and problem to be treated and, therefore, it is important to consult a doctor or a specialist in traditional Chinese medicine, for example.

Possible side effects

The side effects of this medicinal plant are very rare, especially when used within the recommended dosages, however, in some cases, stomach pain, diarrhea or easier bleeding may appear.

Who should not use

Astragalus is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to this medicinal plant. In addition, it should be used only with medical advice in people with autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis, and should be avoided and should be avoided by pregnant or breast-feeding women. See other medicinal plants that should be avoided in pregnancy and which ones can be used.

The use of this plant can also alter the effect of some remedies such as cyclophosphamide, lithium and immunosuppressive drugs.

8 Health benefits of using astragalus (astragalus)