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What to do to gain lean mass faster


To gain muscle mass, you must do weight training exercises at the gym, respecting the coach's guidelines and following a diet rich in protein, it is very important to allow time for the muscle to rest, so that it can grow.

This care is important, because during the exercise the muscle fibers are injured and send a signal to the body that indicates the need for muscle recovery, while an adequate diet will provide the necessary nutrients so that the diameter of the muscle fibers can increase and is during the rest time that the muscle recovers and has time to develop.

Begin training by weight training

The 8 best tips for gaining muscle mass quickly and efficiently are:

1. Do each exercise slowly

Weight training exercises should be performed slowly, so that you can feel all the movement of the muscle, avoiding making compensations that make the exercise easier. Check out a workout plan with exercises to gain mass;

2. Don't stop exercising as soon as you start to feel pain

You should avoid stopping exercise when you start to feel pain, because it is when the muscle begins to "burn" the white fibers, which are the short fibers, that lead to hypertrophy.

3. Train 3 to 5 times a week

Workouts should be performed 3 to 5 times a week, because the same muscle group should only be exercised 1 or 2 times.

4. Eat protein-rich foods

Protein-rich foods should be eaten daily and preferably with every meal, but especially after exercise. See what the diet should be like to gain mass.

5. Begin training with weight training

The training should start with weight training exercises and only afterwards should the aerobic exercises be done, because then there is more willingness to demand the maximum of the muscles alone.

6. Review the entire series every 4 or 5 weeks

The series should be reviewed every 4 or 5 weeks, changing or adding some exercises to increase the intensity and challenges.

7. Each exercise should be performed using 65% of the maximum load

The exercises should be performed using about 65% of the maximum load that can be done with a single repetition. For example, when you can only lift a weight of 30 kg with the thigh extension, you should train using a weight of about 20 kg, with progressive increase.

8. When the desired objective is reached, one must not stop

After reaching the desired muscle mass, one should not stop exercising, so as not to lose the definition achieved. Generally, the loss of muscle mass can be observed in just 15 days without training.

You can see the first results of the gym with at least 3 months of regular practice of bodybuilding exercises and, with 6 months of exercise, it is already possible to notice a good difference in muscle growth and definition. However, cardiac conditioning can be noticed as early as the first month.

In addition, protein or creatine supplements are a great option that helps in gaining muscle mass, however these supplements should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist. See the 10 most used supplements to gain lean mass.

What to do to gain lean mass faster