Home Bulls 8 Diseases that cause excessive sleep and tiredness

8 Diseases that cause excessive sleep and tiredness


Excessive tiredness usually indicates a lack of time to rest, but it can also be a sign of some diseases such as anemia, diabetes, thyroid disorders or even depression. Usually, in cases of illness, the person feels tired and weak, even after having a night's rest.

Thus, when identifying frequent tiredness, it is advisable to observe if there are other associated symptoms and to seek medical assistance to start the appropriate treatment. While waiting for the consultation, what you can do to combat this excessive tiredness is to use home remedies for tiredness.

The 8 diseases that can cause excessive and frequent tiredness are:

1. Diabetes

Decompensated diabetes causes frequent tiredness because blood glucose does not reach all cells and therefore the body lacks energy to carry out daily tasks. In addition, the excess of sugar in the blood makes the individual urinate more, leads to weight loss and reduction of muscles, so it is common for diabetics with hyperglycemia to complain of muscle fatigue.

What doctor to look for: Endocrinologist and nutritionist, so that fasting blood glucose tests and the glycemic curve test are indicated, the nutritional plan is established according to the results of the tests and the treatment is monitored.

What to do to fight diabetes: You should take the drugs prescribed by your doctor and be careful with your diet, avoiding foods high in sugar, in addition to it being important to practice physical activity on a regular basis. See what to eat in diabetes.

2. Anemia

The lack of iron in the blood can cause tiredness, drowsiness and discouragement. In women this fatigue becomes even greater at the time of menstruation, when the iron stores in the body decrease even more.

What doctor to look for: General practitioner or gynecologist, in the case of women, to check if the menstrual flow is normal and if there are no changes such as menorrhagia, for example. To identify anemia, a complete blood count is required.

What to do to fight anemia: You should eat foods rich in iron, of animal and vegetable origin, daily, such as red meats, beets and beans. In addition, in some cases it may be necessary to use an iron supplement, which should be recommended by the doctor or nutritionist. See a good home remedy for anemia.

3. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is characterized by the stopping of breathing during sleep, which can happen for brief periods and several times during the night, impairing the individual's sleep and rest. When sleeping poorly, it is normal to wake up very tired, have muscle fatigue and feel sleepy during the day. Know other signs help to identify sleep apnea.

What doctor to look for: Doctor specializing in sleep disorders, who can order an exam called a polysomnography, which checks how the person is sleeping.

What to do to fight sleep apnea: It is important to find out its cause for the doctor to be able to indicate the best alternative to improve sleep. Thus, if the apnea is due to being overweight, dieting and the use of a CPAP mask suitable for sleeping may be recommended. If it is due to smoking, it is recommended to avoid, as well as the consumption of alcohol and sedatives or tranquilizers, it is important to seek guidance from the doctor to adjust the dose or change the medication.

4. Depression

One of the typical symptoms of depression is frequent physical and mental tiredness, in which the individual is discouraged from performing his daily tasks and even from working. Despite being a disease that affects the person's mental part, it also ends up affecting the body.

What doctor to look for: The most suitable is the psychiatrist, because that way it is possible to identify the indicative signs of depression and start the appropriate treatment, which is usually done with medication and therapy.

What to do to fight depression: It is advisable to be accompanied by a psychologist and a psychiatrist who can indicate the use of medications, in some cases, however it is also important to carry out activities that were once pleasurable, as it is possible to modify the brain response and improve mood. Understand better how depression is treated.

5. Fibromyalgia

In fibromyalgia there is pain in the whole body, mainly in the muscles, and it is associated with frequent and persistent tiredness, difficulty in concentration, mood changes, difficulty in performing daily tasks, which can interfere with professional performance, in addition to being able to affect sleep, so that the person wakes up tired, as if I had not rested at all during the night. See how to identify fibromyalgia.

What doctor to look for: Rheumatologist who can order a series of tests to exclude other causes, but the diagnosis is made by observing the signs and symptoms of the disease and performing a specific physical examination.

What to do to fight fibromyalgia: It is recommended to take the drugs prescribed by the doctor, exercise like Pilates, Yoga or Swimming, to promote the stretching of the muscles and keep them properly strengthened to become more resistant to pain.

6. Heart disease

Arrhythmia and heart failure can cause frequent tiredness and dizziness. In this case, the heart does not have enough strength to make a good contraction to send blood to the entire body and that is why the individual is always tired.

What doctor to look for: Cardiologist, who can order a blood test and electrocardiogram, for example.

What to do to fight heart disease: Go to the cardiologist and take the drugs prescribed by him. Also take care of the food, avoiding fats and sugar, and practice supervised exercises on a regular basis. Check 12 signs that may indicate heart problems.

7. Infections

Infections such as colds and flu can cause a lot of tiredness because, in this case, the body tries to use all its energies to fight the microorganisms involved. In the case of infections, in addition to tiredness, other symptoms can be observed, such as fever and muscle pain, which should be investigated by the doctor.

What doctor to look for: General practitioner, who can order blood tests or more specific ones, depending on the symptoms involved. According to the result of the examination, the person can be referred to a more specialized doctor, such as an infectious disease specialist.

What to do to fight infections: After finding out what the infection is, the doctor can prescribe the medicine to cure the disease. By following all medical recommendations, a cure can be achieved and all symptoms related to the infection, including tiredness, disappear.

8. Thyroid disorders

Since thyroid hormones are responsible for maintaining metabolism at its normal pace, when affected, tiredness may occur in response to the change. Here's how to know if you may have a thyroid disorder.

What doctor to look for: Endocrinologist, who can order a TSH, T3 and T4 blood test to check the functioning of the thyroid gland.

What to do to fight thyroid changes: It is important to take the medications prescribed by the doctor to keep hormone levels under control, because this way the metabolism returns to normal and the tiredness disappears.

One of the best ways to combat tiredness is to have enough time to rest and sleep a restful sleep. Scheduling a vacation can be a good solution to reduce stress and the pace of work, but if even that is not enough, you should consider scheduling a doctor's appointment to investigate what may be causing excessive tiredness. In addition, it is recommended to lower the weight, if necessary, and to follow the treatment in case of diseases such as diabetes, infections and thyroid changes.

8 Diseases that cause excessive sleep and tiredness