Home Bulls Abdominoplasty with lipo: how it is done, postoperatively and results

Abdominoplasty with lipo: how it is done, postoperatively and results


Abdominoplasty with lipo of the abdomen helps to get rid of all the excess fat, improve the body contour, getting a flat stomach, thinning the waist and giving a slimmer and slimmer aspect.

These two plastic surgeries complement each other since the abdominoplasty removes the excess fat in the belly, in addition to the skin and the flaccidity and liposuction, also known as liposculpture, removes the fat located in specific places, mainly in the lateral region of the hip, improving the body contour, thinning the waist.

This surgery can be performed on men and women and is performed with epidural anesthesia or general anesthesia. In addition, it requires an average of 3 days of hospitalization and in the postoperative period it is necessary to have drains to get the excess fluid out of the abdomen and use a compressive band throughout the abdominal area.

How plastic surgery is done on the belly

Lipo-abdominoplasty is a surgery that takes between 3 to 5 hours and it is necessary to:

Outline regions with excess fat
  • Make a cut in the belly in the shape of a semicircle just above the pubic hair to the navel line and burn the fat; Sew the muscles of the abdomen and stretch the skin of the upper abdomen to the pubic region and sew it, defined the navel; Aspirate the excess belly fat.

Before starting the surgery, the doctor has to outline the areas with excess fat with a pen to facilitate the procedure.

How the surgery scar looks

The scar from a complete abdominoplasty is large, but it is close to the pubic hair and, therefore, it is discreet, as it can be covered by the bikini or underwear.

In addition, you may have small scars that look like small spots, which is where fat is aspirated in liposuction.

Scar of surgery

Postoperative of lipo-abdominoplasty

The total recovery from this surgery takes an average of 2 months and requires posture care, it is essential not to make efforts during this time to prevent the seam from opening.

It is common to have pain in the abdomen and some bruises appear mainly in the first 48 hours after surgery, decreasing over the weeks and drains are placed to remove excess fluids.

In addition, it is necessary to put an abdominal band that should be used daily for about 30 days, which serves to provide more comfort and prevent the area from becoming very swollen and painful. Know how to walk, sleep and when to remove the band in the postoperative period of abdominoplasty.

Surgery results

The final result of this plastic surgery can be seen, on average 60 days after the procedure and, after the surgery, some weight and volume is lost because fat located in the belly is removed and the body becomes thinner, the belly is flat and the thinnest trunk.

In addition, you must eat properly and exercise regularly to avoid putting on weight again.

How much does lipo-abdominoplasty cost

The price of this surgery varies between 8 and 15 thousand reais, depending on the location where it is done.

Abdominoplasty with lipo: how it is done, postoperatively and results