Home Bulls Abelcet



Abelcet is an antifungal medication that has Amphotericin B as its active substance.

This injectable lipid complex medication is indicated for aspergillosis, candidiasis disseminates and cryptococcosis, its action alters the permeability of the fungal cell membrane.

Abelcet indications (What is it for)

Aspergillosis; candidiasis spreads; cryptococcosis.

Abelcet Price

The 5 mg box of Abelcet can cost approximately 2, 300 reais.

Side effects of Abelcet

Fever; chills.

Contraindications for Abelcet

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

Directions for use of Abelcet (Posology)

Injectable Use

Adults and children

  • 5 mg per kg of body weight daily.