Home Symptoms Acinetobacter: what it is, how the infection happens and how to treat

Acinetobacter: what it is, how the infection happens and how to treat


Acinetobacter corresponds to a genus of bacteria frequently associated with infections related to the health environment, the HAIs, being the main representative of this genus Acinetobacter baumannii , which besides being related to infections in the hospital environment also presents resistance to most of the antibiotics used, making the difficult treatment.

This bacterium is considered opportunistic, because it causes diseases in people who have factors that favor its occurrence, such as decreased activity of the immune system and prolonged length of stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Acinetobacter sp . it can often be found on the skin, however in hospitalized people it is often identified in the throat and in respiratory tract secretions.

How the infection happens

Infection with Acinetobacter sp. it happens mainly in a hospital environment through contact with contaminated surfaces or through contact with another infected person, the hands being considered the main route of transmission and infection.

This type of infection is easier to happen in people who are hospitalized for long periods in the hospital in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), have skin wounds, have an impaired immune system or breathe with the help of devices, for example.

The main disease caused by Acinetobacter baumannii is pneumonia, with the development of respiratory signs and symptoms, however this bacteria can reach the bloodstream and spread easily to other organs, leading to the appearance of other signs and symptoms.

Diagnosis of infection by Acinetobacter sp.

The diagnosis of infection by Acinetobacter sp . it is done in a hospital environment, since most people who have this infection are hospitalized, through the collection of a blood sample and / or tracheal secretion, which is sent to the microbiology laboratory for analysis.

The samples are processed and analyzed according to the macro and microscopic aspects of the bacterial colonies obtained after incubation at 37ºC, which is the ideal temperature for bacterial growth. Then, the bacteria are identified and the antibiogram is carried out, in which the profile of the bacteria of sensitivity and resistance to antibiotics is verified, this information being important so that the doctor can indicate the most appropriate medicine for the person and is able to eliminate the bacteria. Understand how the antibiogram is made.

How to avoid and treat

Like Acinetobacter sp. it is multidrug-resistant, that is, it has several resistance mechanisms against antibiotics normally used, and they have the capacity to form biofilm, which is the bacterium's ability to adhere to medical devices and multiply, treatment is difficult. Therefore, the person who has been identified with infection by Acinetobacter sp. multiresistant must remain in the hospital in isolation and with contact precautions, at the same time as treatment with antibiotics is carried out that the bacterium is still sensitive, as this prevents the microorganism from spreading and other people being contaminated.

To avoid infection, the main action to be taken is the correct washing of the hands, since the hands correspond to the main means of transmission of infections in the hospital environment. In addition, it is important not to use antibiotics without the doctor's recommendation, as it can stimulate the development of bacteria resistance, and, when in the hospital, avoid being close to patients who are in isolation or, if it is necessary to contact, wash hands before and after contact with the person and wear personal protective equipment. Learn more about how to avoid hospital infections.

Phage treatment

Phage treatment, also called phage therapy, is a type of treatment in which bacteriophages are used to fight infections that are difficult to treat mainly due to multi-resistance to antibiotics. Bacteriophages, or simply phages, are viruses that have the ability to destroy bacteria and, therefore, their use in the treatment of multi-resistant infections can be effective.

Each bacteriophage is responsible for combating one or a group of bacteria and, therefore, in the treatment of diseases, a specific cocktail of bacteriophages can be made to fight a given infection. Recently, phage therapy has been effective in the treatment against multidrug- resistant Acinetobacter baumannii , in which bacteriophages were able to eliminate bacteria and thus fight infection and improve the person's quality of life.

Despite being an old technique, treatment with bacteriophages has gained prominence in recent years due to the large amount of multi-resistant microorganisms.

Learn more about bacteriophages.

Acinetobacter: what it is, how the infection happens and how to treat