Home Bulls Adult acne

Adult acne


Adult acne consists of the appearance of internal pimples or blackheads after adolescence, which can happen in patients who have never had acne or who have persistent acne since adolescence.

Generally, adult acne is more common in women between 25 and 40 years of age due to the large hormonal changes they experience, especially during menstruation, pregnancy, in the pre-menopausal period or in menopause.

Adult acne is curable, however the treatment must be done by a dermatologist and can last a few months or years until the patient stops having pimples.

Acne on the forehead of an adult woman

Acne on the back of an adult

How to treat adult acne

Adult acne treatment should be guided by a dermatologist, but usually includes some precautions such as:

  • Wash the skin with an antiseptic soap, 3 times a day; Apply an adult acne cream, before bedtime; Avoid using acne creams in adolescence, as they are not adapted for adult skin; Avoid using makeup or of very oily shampoos.

In addition, in the case of women, the dermatologist may recommend an appointment with the gynecologist to start using an oral contraceptive capable of regulating hormonal changes that may be the cause of the appearance of pimples.

If adult acne does not disappear with these precautions, the doctor may also advise other, more aggressive treatments, such as laser therapy.

Main causes of adult acne

The main cause of acne in adults is the sudden change in the level of hormones in the body, especially in women. However, other important causes of adult acne include:

  1. Increased stress, as it increases sebum production, leaving the skin more oily; Use of oily cosmetics that clog the pores of the skin; Food based on fried foods, fatty meats or excess sugar; Inadequate cleaning of the skin or working in dirty environments;

    Use of corticosteroid, anabolic and antidepressant medications;

The adult is also more likely to develop acne when he has a family history of pimples during adulthood.

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Adult acne