Home Symptoms Wernicke's aphasia: symptoms, causes and treatment

Wernicke's aphasia: symptoms, causes and treatment


Wernicke's aphasia, also known as fluent, sensory or receptive aphasia, is characterized by an alteration in verbal communication due to a brain injury in the Wernicke area, located in the posterior and upper region of the outer surface of the left temporal lobe, responsible for understanding spoken language.

This type of aphasia is the most common and is characterized by the manifestation of symptoms such as making a fluent but confused and meaningless speech, with words exchanged or made up, inability to perceive other people's speech or to detect errors in their own speech.

The treatment of this pathology generally consists of stimulation of the affected region of the brain and therapy with the aid of speech therapists and speech therapists.

What symptoms

Aphasia is characterized by an alteration in verbal communication linked to a brain injury, in which symptoms are manifested, such as:

  • Difficulty in perceiving the speech of others; Inability to perceive errors in their own speech; Disturbances in listening comprehension; Fluent speech and with functional words, but which can be exchanged for others, structurally altered or invented; Speech with few nouns or verbs; Reading and compromised writing; Disturbance in the ability to nominate and repeat Agitation and paranoid behavior.

This disease does not diminish the individual's intelligence, only impairing his ability to communicate. Learn about other types of aphasia and how to make communication easier.

Possible causes

This disorder can be caused by injuries to the brain areas of language, due to strokes, injuries to the brain, brain tumors or other injuries that affect the brain, neurological disorders or infections in the region.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis can be made using diagnostic means such as magnetic resonance or computed tomography and through language assessment with the help of the doctor, who can test reading and writing, request repetition of words or ask questions, to assess the disease.

What is the treatment

Generally, treatment is performed with speech therapists and speech therapists, who help in the rehabilitation of aphasia through cognitive-linguistic stimulation exercises and stimulate the affected brain regions, with exercises.

In addition to treatment with the help of professionals, it is very important that the family environment contributes to improving communication with the person with aphasia. So, to help you, it is important to speak slowly, avoid completing the sentences and rush the person, communicate with the aid of images, symbols, drawings or gestures and prevent the person from feeling excluded from the conversations.

In addition, the person with aphasia can also use gestures, drawings and symbols to be able to communicate better with other people.

Wernicke's aphasia: symptoms, causes and treatment