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Learn what is microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria


Albuminuria corresponds to the presence of albumin in the urine, being indicative of kidney problems, mainly.

Albumin is a protein responsible for various functions in the body, such as maintaining osmotic pressure, controlling pH and transporting hormones, fatty acids, bilirubin and medications. Under normal conditions, the kidneys prevent the elimination of proteins in the urine, however, when renal function is compromised, proteins, albumin mainly, pass from the blood to the urine. Thus, albuminuria can be classified according to the extent of the kidney injury into:

  • Microalbuminuria, in which small amounts of albumin are found in the urine, which may mean that the kidney injury is still initial or a situational albuminuria, which happens after intense physical exercise and in urinary infections, for example; Macroalbuminuria, in which large concentrations of albumin are seen, indicating a more extensive kidney problem.

When concentrations of albumin are detected in the urine, the doctor usually requests a repeat test after about 1 month to confirm the diagnosis. The measurement of albumin in the urine is usually done through a 24-hour urine test, in which all the urine produced by the person in one day is collected in a proper container and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Learn all about the 24-hour urine test.

Albuminuria can also be identified by means of a normal urine test, the EAS, however this test does not indicate the amount of albumin in the urine, it only affirms the presence or absence of proteins, being requested to perform the urine 24 hours. See what the urine test is for and how to do it.

The presence of albumin in the urine is considered normal when a concentration of less than 30mg is verified in 24 hours.

Causes of albuminuria

Albuminuria usually happens due to kidney problems, such as glomerulonephritis or nephritis, but it can also happen due to:

  • Heart problems; Hypertension; Diabetes; Rheumatism; Overweight; Old age; Family history of kidney disease.

Albumin can also be present in urine after intense physical exercise, in urinary infections, in fever, dehydration and stress, being called situational albuminuria. Albuminuria is usually asymptomatic, however the presence of foam in the urine may be indicative of the presence of proteins. See what are the causes of foam in the urine.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for albuminuria depends on its cause and is done according to the guidance of the nephrologist or urologist. In general, patients with microalbuminuria respond satisfactorily to the drugs prescribed for the underlying disease. However, in more severe cases, protein replacement may be necessary. During treatment for albuminuria it is important to keep a constant control of blood pressure, as the increase in pressure can further damage the kidneys.

Learn what is microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria