Home Medicinal Plants Odorous woodruff

Odorous woodruff


A great medicinal plant to fight insomnia is the Scented Scallop, scientifically called Galium odoratum L.

Odorous woodruff properties

The most important substances are coumarin, glycoside, tannic acids and bitter substances that act as antispasmodics and tranquilizers.

What is the odorous wood scab

Insomnia, stress, tiredness, spasms in the digestive system, headache, poor circulation, depression, menstruation problems, toning and blood purification.

How to use the odorous woodruff

The odoriferous woodruff must be used in the form of tea. Make the tea as follows: mix a teaspoon of the herb in a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 5 minutes before straining.

Side effects of odorous woodruff

Not found.

Contraindications for odoriferous woodruff

Not found in the literature.

Odorous woodruff