Home Medicinal Plants Belladonna: the medicinal plant that is poisonous

Belladonna: the medicinal plant that is poisonous


Belladonna is an extremely toxic plant that can be used in the preparation of some natural medicines, especially to relieve symptoms of gastric colic due to ulcers. However, the C plant should be used by professionals, being poisonous when used without knowledge at home.

Its scientific name is Atropa belladonna and can only be purchased at pharmacies after handling a prescription. After being bought, belladonna drugs must be kept out of the reach of children, because if consumed above the dose indicated by the doctor they can be poisonous.

What is it for

Belladonna is used to treat digestive problems, gastrointestinal cramps, biliary pain, urinary tract colic and neurological disorders.

Main properties

The properties of belladonna include its antispasmodic, calming, diaphoretic and diuretic action.

How to use

Belladonna can be used in the form of tincture, powder or extract, but it can only be used under the supervision of a doctor.

Possible side effects

Side effects of belladonna include hallucinations, nausea, blindness, gastrointestinal disturbances, headache and kidney disorders.

In addition, if consumed in excess, this plant can cause poisoning and danger of death. Therefore, medicines made with this plant should be used with great care and only with the guidance of a doctor.

Who should not use

Medicines with this plant should not be used by people with an accelerated heartbeat, acute angle glaucoma, acute lung edema or by men with prostate hyperplasia.

In addition, belladonna should never be used without medical advice and therefore cannot be used to make home remedies.

Belladonna: the medicinal plant that is poisonous