Home Medicinal Plants Caruru Properties

Caruru Properties


The caruru ( Amaranthus flavus ) is a medicinal plant also known as Caruru-de-Cuia, Caruru-Rôxo, Caruru-de-Mancha, Caruru-de-Porinho, Caruru-de-Espinho, Bredo-de-Horn, Bredo- de-Espinho, Bredo-Vermelho, Bredo and is especially used in the region of Bahia and, therefore, one of the typical dishes of the state receives the name Caruru.

Its leaves can be used in salads, sauces and stews. In addition, the leaves and stems can also be used in pancakes, pies, cakes and pastries. The seeds are generally used to make bread, and the leaves can also be used to make tea.

Caruru medicinal plant

What is it for

The caruru serves to help fight infections in the body and assist in the treatment of liver problems.

This plant also helps to fight osteoporosis and strengthen bones and teeth because it is very rich in calcium.

Nutritional information

The following table provides nutritional information for 100 g of caruru.

Components Amount per 100 g of Caruru
Energy 23.5 g
Proteins 1.10 g
Fats 0.30 g
Carbohydrates 4.40 g
Calcium 538 mg
Phosphor 76 mg
Potassium 463.7 mg
Vitamin A 740 mcg
Vitamin B2 240 mcg

The increase of caruru in the daily diet increases the nutritional value of the meal, making it possible to reduce the amount of salt used in the culinary preparation.

Traditional Caruru Recipe

Typical dish with Caruru


  • 50 okra3 tablespoons of chopped caruru1 / 2 cup cashew nuts50 g of roasted and ground peeled peanuts1 cup of smoked, peeled and ground shrimp1 large onion1 cup of palm oil2 lemons1 tablespoon of salt2 cups of hot waterPepper, ginger and garlic to taste

Method of preparation:

Wash the okra and dry well to avoid drooling when chopping. Place the dried and ground prawns, the grated onion, garlic, salt, chestnuts and peanuts to sauté in palm oil. Add the chopped okra, water and lemons to cut the drool. Add some dry, whole and large prawns. Cook everything until it is pasty and remove from heat when the okra seeds are pink.

To learn more about other calcium-rich foods see: Calcium-rich foods.

Caruru Properties