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How to prepare healthy meals to take to work


Preparing a lunch box to take to work allows a better choice of food and helps to resist that temptation to eat a hamburger or fried snacks at lunch, besides being cheaper.

However, it is necessary to follow some precautions when preparing and placing the meal in the lunchbox, as transportation to work and the time the food is out of the refrigerator favors the proliferation of bacteria that can end up causing intestinal infection.

Some examples of what can be taken in the lunch box are:

  • Second: 4 tablespoons of rice, half a scoop of beans, a slice of roasted meat, salad and 1 fruit for dessert. Tuesday: 2 pasta tongs with ground beef and tomato sauce, and a side salad. Fourth: 1 fillet of grilled chicken or fish, seasoned with fine herbs and roasted potatoes with sautéed vegetables, plus 1 dessert fruit. Fifth: 1 shell of mashed potatoes with roasted chicken, green salad and 1 fruit. Friday: omelet with cooked vegetables, shredded meat and 1 fruit.

In all menus you can prepare a separate salad, seasoned with olive oil, vinegar, lemon and herbs such as oregano and parsley, also adopting the habit of taking seasonal fruit as a dessert.

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8 precautions in the preparation of lunchbox

Some important precautions to take when preparing a lunch box are:

1. Throw boiling water before putting food in the lunchbox: it prevents the proliferation of microorganisms in the food, preventing problems such as intestinal infections, for example.

2. Choose a lunch box that closes correctly: hermetically sealed containers are the most suitable because they guarantee that micro-organisms will not enter to contaminate the food, also preventing the food from being wasted.

3. Distribute food side by side: it helps to preserve the flavor of each food and the meal is visually more attractive, even after many hours of preparation.

4. Avoid sauces prepared with mayonnaise: sauces, especially with mayonnaise and raw eggs, do not last long out of the refrigerator and spoil very easily. A good idea is to use olive oil and vinegar, which should be taken in individual packages. If you can keep these spices in the refrigerator at work, it's even better.

5. Opt for healthy foods: the lunch box should always contain nutritious foods, such as vegetables, cereals and lean meats. Caloric and fatty meals, such as lasagna and feijoada, are not the best options for a lunch at work because they require a longer digestion time, which can cause drowsiness and decrease productivity.

6. Take the salad separately: you should prefer to put the salad in a separate container, preferably in a glass, and only season it at the time of eating to ensure a better flavor and freshness of the vegetables.

7. Keep the lunch box in the refrigerator: as soon as you arrive at work, you should put the lunch box in the refrigerator to prevent food from spoiling, as staying at room temperature favors the proliferation of microorganisms that can cause stomach pain and intestinal infections.

8. Heat the lunch box well before eating: the temperature should preferably be above 80 degrees to inactivate most of the microorganisms that may be in the food. Depending on the microwave power, let the food warm up for at least 2 minutes and then wait for it to cool slightly before eating.

When the individual follows these tips daily, there is a lower risk of food contamination, in addition to maintaining the flavor of the meal and facilitating healthy eating.

How to prepare healthy meals to take to work