Home Medicinal Plants Carqueja: what it is for and side effects

Carqueja: what it is for and side effects


Carqueja is a medicinal plant indicated to improve digestion, fight gases and help you lose weight. Its tea tastes bitter, but it can also be found in capsule form in health food stores.

Carqueja is also known as Carqueja-bitter, Carqueja-bitter, Carqueja-do-mato, Carquejinha, Condamina or Iguape, widely used to treat flu and digestive problems.

Its scientific name is Baccharis trimera and can be purchased at health food stores, handling pharmacies and some street markets.

What properties and benefits

Carqueja's properties include its diuretic, anti-anemic, hypoglycemic, anti-asthmatic, antibiotic, anti-diarrheal, anti-diabetic, anti-flu, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and aromatic action.

In addition, it also contributes to the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder, helps to eliminate toxins, is emollient, helps to lower fever and to treat constipation and to combat worms.

See more about the benefits of gorse tea.

What is it for

Carqueja is a medicinal plant that helps to treat poor digestion, constipation, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, anemia, flu, fever, liver disease, diabetes, intestinal worms, thrush, tonsillitis, anorexia, heartburn, bronchitis, cholesterol, bladder disease, poor blood circulation and wounds.

How to take

The used part of Carqueja are its stems, to make tea or use as seasoning in cooking.

To prepare tea:


  • 25 g of gorse rods, 1 L of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Place 25 grams of Carqueja stems in 1 liter of boiling water, allowing to stand for 10 minutes. Take up to 3 cups a day.

If you choose the capsules, you should take up to 3 capsules a day.

Possible side effects and contraindications

The side effects of gorse appear when consumed in excess, especially in diabetic and hypertensive patients. This is because gorse can increase the effect of the medicine used by these people, greatly reducing the concentration of glucose or blood pressure, which is harmful to health.

Thus, the gorse should only be consumed by hypertensive and diabetic patients only after medical recommendation. In addition, gorse is contraindicated in pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage, and during the breastfeeding period, as it can pass into breast milk and, consequently, into the baby, which is not advisable.

Carqueja: what it is for and side effects