Home Home-Remedies How to prepare artichoke tea

How to prepare artichoke tea


Artichoke tea is an excellent home remedy for those who want to lose weight fast and reach their ideal weight in a short time, as it is a potent diuretic, detoxifying and purifying agent that cleanses the body, eliminating excess toxins, fats and liquids.

Due to these properties, this tea, in addition to being used in weight loss diets, can also be used in cases of liver problems, because it helps to detoxify the organ, reducing symptoms. In addition, it is great to complete the treatment of high cholesterol and to regulate blood pressure, and can be used daily. See what the artichoke is for.

To improve the effect of tea and ensure all its benefits, it is important to practice physical exercise at least 3 times a week and follow a healthy and balanced diet, removing fried food, soft drinks and sugar, preferring a more natural diet with consumption of salads, lean grilled meats and steamed vegetables.

Artichoke tea

Artichoke is a great food option for those who want to lose weight, as it has diuretic properties, stimulating the elimination of excess liquid present in the body, and laxatives, preventing constipation. Here's how to use the artichoke to lose weight.


  • 3 tablespoons of dry artichoke leaves; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

Add the artichoke leaves to a pan of boiling water and boil for another 5 minutes. Strain the mixture and add a little honey or Stevia to sweeten the tea, if necessary.

See some tips from our nutritionist to have a healthier diet without making much effort.

Artichoke juice

To make artichoke juice, just beat in blender equal amounts of artichoke flowers and leaves with a little water and drink at least a cup before meals. This juice is a good option to detoxify the liver.

Salad with artichoke

The raw artichoke salad is a good option to get both the benefits of the artichoke as well as other vegetables that can be included in the salad.


  • Lettuce; Cherry tomato; Artichoke; Carrot.

Method of preparation

To prepare the salad you need to wash the ingredients correctly (learn how), cut them the way you like best and put them in a suitable container or dish. To season the salad, you can use olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and oregano to taste. Check out another salad option with vegetables.

How to prepare artichoke tea