Home Home-Remedies How to make pomegranate tea for throat

How to make pomegranate tea for throat


Pomegranate peel tea is an excellent home remedy to relieve persistent sore throat, as this fruit has anti-inflammatory properties that disinfect the throat and decrease symptoms, such as pain, the appearance of pus and difficulties in eating or speaking.

This tea should be drunk at least 3 times a day for the sore throat to subside. However, if after 3 days the pain does not improve, it is advisable to consult a general practitioner, as it may be necessary to start treatment with antibiotics.

Pomegranate peel tea

To prepare pomegranate peel tea, the following must be done:


  • 1 cup of tea from pomegranate peels; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

Add the pomegranate peels in a pan of water and boil for approximately 15 minutes. After that time, the pot should be left covered until the tea is warm and then drink it.

Pomegranate juice

In addition, for those who do not like tea, you can choose to take a pomegranate juice, which in addition to treating the throat, is also effective in bone development, for the stomach, angina, gastrointestinal inflammation, genitourinary disorders, hemorrhoids, intestinal colic and indigestion.


  • Seeds and pulp of 1 pomegranate; 150 mL of coconut water.

Method of preparation

Centrifuge the contents of the pomegranate together with the coconut water until smooth. To improve the taste, you can add an apple and some cherries.

See other home remedies to cure sore throat.

If the pain does not improve, know the remedies that the doctor can prescribe and watch in this video other home remedies to reduce the sore throat:

How to make pomegranate tea for throat