Home Home-Remedies Asian spark tea for cellulite

Asian spark tea for cellulite


Centella asiatica tea is an excellent home remedy to reduce cellulite, since the plant has vasodilating properties that improve blood circulation, helping the body to destroy the fat cells that make up cellulite.

However, to increase the effectiveness of this tea it is recommended to do anaerobic physical exercise, such as localized weight training, and to have a diet low in carbohydrates and fat.


  • ½ teaspoon of Asian Centella1 cup of water

Method of preparation

Put the ingredients in a pan and boil for 5 minutes. Then, cover the penela and let stand for about 10 minutes, strain and drink 2 to 3 cups a day.

Asian Centella cream for cellulite

Centella asiatica cream is a great way to complete cellulite treatment with the tea indicated above, as it helps to improve blood circulation over the affected area, oxygenating the skin layers and eliminating cellulite knots.

In addition, when using the cream to perform a lymphatic massage, it is also possible to eliminate excess fluids, contributing to a thinner figure. Find out more about what you can do by watching the following video:

Asian spark tea for cellulite