Home Home-Remedies 4 Teas to lower late menstruation

4 Teas to lower late menstruation


The agonized tea is a great home remedy to make delayed menstruation come down, as well as the angelica, ginger and parsley tea as these medicinal plants improve blood circulation, promote an increase in uterine contractions and stimulate menstruation, also helping to decrease menstruation. the swelling and malaise caused by premenstrual tension, known as PMS.

However, before taking any of these types of tea, it is necessary for the woman to take a pregnancy test to make sure she is not pregnant, so as not to harm the baby's development or pregnancy, as any tea indicated to lower menstruation can cause abortion or lead to malformation of the fetus.

1. Tea of ​​Agoniada

Agonized tea stimulates the hormones that lead to menstruation, being very suitable for regulating the menstrual cycle, in addition to reducing the common pain and discomfort of PMS. This tea is also indicated for anxiety, has a laxative action and protects the stomach, bringing a feeling of relief and well-being for women when menstruation is delayed.


  • 5 g of agonized flowers; 500 mL of water.

Method of preparation

Bring the water to a boil and then add the agonized flowers. Allow to warm, strain and drink about 2 to 3 cups of tea a day until menstruation is down.

2. Angélica's Tea

Angélica tea can also be used as this medicinal plant favors uterine motility, making menstruation regulate.


  • 10 g of angelica root; 500 mL of water.

Method of preparation

Bring the water to a boil and after boiling, add the angelica root. Then strain and drink the tea 3 times a day. Learn more about what angelica and other tea recipes are for.

3. Ginger tea

Ginger is the root of a medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties widely used for colds, flu and nausea control. It is also used to stimulate menstruation, as it increases uterine contractions.


  • 5 cm of chopped ginger; 1 small piece of cinnamon; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

To prepare this cinnamon ginger tea, boil the water and then add the cinnamon and ginger. Let it sit for 15 minutes, strain and drink up to 2 cups a day until menstruation is down.

4. Parsley tea

Parsley is a medicinal plant that can be used to treat amenorrhea, which is the condition of the absence of menstruation, as they have substances that help regulate female hormones, stimulating the regulation of the menstrual period.


  • 20 g of chopped fresh parsley, 2 liters of water.

Method of preparation

Place the chopped parsley in a pan of water and bring to a boil, then wait for it to cool for 20 minutes. Then, strain and drink the tea up to 3 times a day.

Why menstruation can delay

The main cause of delayed menstruation is pregnancy, but hormonal changes, excessive stress and high consumption of caffeinated foods, such as chocolate, coffee and cola can also alter the menstrual cycle. In addition, other illnesses such as polycystic ovary syndrome can also cause menstruation to delay or advance. Learn more about the causes of delayed menstruation.

In cases where the woman is in doubt as to whether she is pregnant, she should not take any of these teas. Here is a test that can help indicate whether the woman is pregnant or not:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Know if you are pregnant

Start the test

In the last month have you had sex without using a condom or other contraceptive method such as an IUD, implant or contraceptive?
  • Yes No

Have you noticed any pink vaginal discharge lately?
  • Yes No

Are you getting sick and want to throw up in the morning?
  • Yes No

Are you more sensitive to smells, getting bothered by smells like cigarettes, food or perfume?
  • Yes No

Does your belly look more swollen than before, making it harder to keep your jeans tight during the day?
  • Yes No

Does your skin look more oily and acne prone?
  • Yes No

Are you feeling more tired and more sleepy?
  • Yes No

Has your period been delayed for more than 5 days?
  • Yes No

Have you ever had a pharmacy pregnancy test or blood test in the last month, with a positive result?
  • Yes No

Did you take the morning after pill recently?
  • Yes No

4 Teas to lower late menstruation