

Ginger is a medicinal plant that, among other functions, helps to relax the gastrointestinal system, relieving nausea and nausea, for example. For this, you can consume a piece of ginger root when you are sick or prepare teas and juices, for example. Discover the benefits of ginger.

In addition to the consumption of ginger, it is important to avoid consuming foods that are difficult to digest, such as chocolate, frying, sausages, fried eggs, red meats or snacks, for example, and drinking small sips of cold water during the day to relieve discomfort. by nausea.

Ginger consumption is contraindicated for people who use blood thinning medications, such as warfarin, for example. In addition, the consumption of ginger per day by pregnant women is controlled, so it is important to seek medical and nutritional guidance before starting to use ginger. Know what ginger is for.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is an excellent home remedy for seasickness because in addition to relaxing the gastrointestinal system, it is a digestive stimulant, helping to stop and prevent seasickness.

To make the tea, just put a tablespoon of ginger in 500 mL of water and boil for 8 minutes. If necessary, sweeten with honey and drink the tea in small sips several times a day.

Juices with ginger

Ginger juices are a great option in addition to fighting nausea and nausea, improving the immune system and generating energy. Juices can be made with, orange, carrot or melon, for example, the latter being indicated for pregnant women who have morning sickness. Learn more about juices with ginger.

Ginger water

Ginger water is a great option to start the day well, and should be taken 1 glass as soon as you wake up. In addition to preventing nausea and nausea, ginger water helps in the weight loss process.

For this, it is necessary to place 4 to 5 slices of ginger or 2 tablespoons of ginger zest in 1L of cold water and drink 1 cup every day on an empty stomach. Discover the benefits of ginger water.


Ginger can also be found in capsule form, and can be purchased at health food stores. To relieve and prevent motion sickness, consumption of 1 to 2 capsules per day is recommended or according to the guidance of the herbalist.

Ginger capsules are also a great alternative to aid weight loss, as it is able to speed up metabolism. Learn how to take the ginger capsules.
