Home Home-Remedies 5 Ways to unclog the baby's nose and main causes

5 Ways to unclog the baby's nose and main causes


There are some resources to unclog the baby's nose, such as dripping a few drops of saline into each nostril, or even taking a warm bath because it helps to fluidize the secretions, unblocking the nose naturally.

It is important to keep the baby's nose always clean and without secretions, because that way the baby is more relieved, sleeps peacefully and can feed, because the air passes more freely.

The 5 homemade ways to unclog the baby's nose are:

Nasal wash with serum
  1. Warm bath: to unclog the baby's nose, you can give him a warm bath, allowing the bathroom to be very steamy, to facilitate the elimination of secretions. Then dry the baby very well, dress him and do not let him stay in places with drafts; Saline solution: apply 1 drop in each nostril 2 to 3 times a day or place a jet of 3 ml of saline solution in one nostril, which will come out of the other naturally; Nasal aspirator: Another way to unclog the baby's nose is to remove the secretion through the nostrils through its own inhaler, which is sold in pharmacies in the shape of a pear. You should squeeze the body of the inhaler and then stick the transparent part in the baby's nostril and then release it, as this way, the secretion will be retained inside the inhaler. Pillow under the mattress: placing a pillow or triangular pillow under the mattress of the baby's crib is also a great way to unclog the baby's nose. Thus, the headboard is higher and secretion is not accumulated in the throat, leaving the baby to sleep peacefully. Juices: if the baby is very cold, it is recommended to offer pure orange or acerola juice, several times a day. But, this should only be done if the baby has already started diversified feeding, after 4 or 6 months of life.

Pharmacy remedies should only be used under medical guidance and, whenever possible, should be avoided.

Main causes of stuffy nose in baby

It is normal for the baby to have a blocked nose in the first months of life, as its immune system is still in the maturation stage. Although it does not represent something serious for the baby, it is necessary to treat the stuffy nose, as it can cause great discomfort and interfere with the child's sleep and nutrition.

1. Flu or cold

Due to the poorly developed immune system, it is normal for babies to have the flu or cold in the first year of life, and it is common to have watery eyes, a stuffy nose and fever, for example.

What to do: The best way to treat the flu or cold in your baby is through breastfeeding. In addition, babies older than 6 months, however make use of natural juices, for example, to fight the flu and improve the immune system, such as acerola juice with orange. See what home remedies for baby flu are.

2. Allergy

The baby's allergy can be caused by contact with dust or animal hair, for example, which easily sensitize the baby's immune system and cause sneezing, runny nose and constant coughing. Learn more about baby rhinitis and how to treat it.

What to do: It is important to identify what causes the allergy and prevent the baby from coming into contact. In addition, the baby should be kept hydrated and go to the pediatrician if the allergy becomes more intense and frequent.

3. Increase in adenoids

Adenoid is the set of lymphatic tissue located at the bottom of the nose and which is part of the immune system, thus protecting the organism against microorganisms. This tissue grows according to the baby's development, but in some cases it may overgrow and interfere with the baby's breathing. Learn more about the adenoid.

What to do: It is recommended to go to the pediatrician when you notice difficulty in breathing, continuous cough and stuffy nose in the baby without apparent cause, as it may be indicative of an increase in the adenoid. Thus, the pediatrician will be able to guide how the treatment should be done.

5 Ways to unclog the baby's nose and main causes