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Treatment for postpartum depression


Women diagnosed with postpartum depression should preferably be treated with natural resources, as specific depression medications can pass into breast milk, and they must stop breastfeeding.

Currently, the most recommended natural options for combating mild depression are omega 3 supplementation, diet, moderate exercise, and psychotherapy sessions. Only if these options do not show the expected effect should the use of antidepressants be recommended, however, in cases of moderate or severe postpartum depression, the doctor may recommend their use right away. After starting treatment, the cure for postpartum depression can be achieved within 3 to 12 weeks.

Postpartum depression is a common situation in which not only women, but also men, can develop after the birth of the child, being characterized by sadness, lack of interest in the baby, decreased self-esteem and lack of ability to take care of yourself. Learn to recognize the symptoms of postpartum depression.

1. Psychological support

Psychological support is fundamental in postpartum depression, as it allows the person to talk about how they feel without fear of being judged and / or worrying about what other people may think and, thus, it is possible that the feelings are worked and the person start to feel better. Psychotherapy or group therapy should be guided by a psychologist or psychotherapist and the treatment should last about 10-12 sessions, carried out weekly, being a good option to complement the treatment with the medicines, but in many cases it may not even you need to take medication.

Among psychotherapeutic approaches, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy have been shown to be the most effective. However, talking to your partner, family members or a good friend also helps to relieve everyday stress and pressure, promoting well-being and better social interaction, which is also very important to get out of depression.

2. Food

Foods eaten daily can also help combat symptoms of depression and improve a person's sense of well-being and self-esteem. Some of the foods that fight depression are green bananas, avocados and nuts, which should be consumed regularly, as they have tryptophanes, which guarantee a feeling of well-being.

In the case of green bananas, one option is to prepare green banana biomass, freeze and use about 2 to 3 tablespoons in the main meals. Using avocado as a substitute for butter for bread is also a good idea, and eating 3-4 nuts a day for breakfast is also a natural strategy that has great health benefits. Check out more food options to fight depression.

See also in the video below what to eat to improve mood:

3. Physical exercises

Any physical exercise is beneficial to fight depression and even though it is difficult to be motivated to leave the house to go to the gym, it is important to at least go for a walk on the street, to distract the mind. One option is to go for a walk with the baby early in the morning or leave the baby in the care of someone else, to have an exclusive time for yourself.

Regular physical activity will release endorphins into the bloodstream and improve circulation, two important aspects of fighting depression. It takes dedication, because the exercises must be performed daily, or at least 4 times a week. In addition to walking, there are other possibilities, such as swimming, water aerobics, pilates or weight training, which can be performed 2 or 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes.

4. Omega 3 supplement

Omega 3 supplementation can be useful as a way to complement treatment against depression. This type of supplement works to improve well-being and can be found in pharmacies and drugstores, but should not be used without the doctor's knowledge.

Omega 3 is indicated because it has anti-inflammatory properties and contributes to greater fluidity and brain activity. In addition, omega 3 fatty acids also increase the neurotransmission of serotonin, a hormone related to good mood, which is excellent for curing depression faster. Learn all about omega 3 in depression.

5. Antidepressant remedies

The use of antidepressant remedies is only recommended in the most severe cases of postpartum depression and when psychotherapy is not enough, the use of Sertraline, Paroxetine or Nortriptyline may be recommended by the doctor, which seem to be the safest and do not harm breastfeeding. If the woman is not breastfeeding, other remedies such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be recommended. Know the best remedies for depression.

The effect of the medications may take 2 to 3 weeks to be observed, and it may be necessary to continue taking the medication for 6 months or more. When you notice that you feel better after taking the medications, you should not try to stop taking or reduce the dose without talking to the doctor first.

Tips to beat depression

Some good tips for managing postpartum depression include:

  • Being able to vent with a friend, loved one, health professional, or ultimately, with a mirror; Seek medical help when observing the first signs and symptoms of postpartum depression; Inform your closest friends of your condition so they help; seek to do family activities together with the baby to generate good memories; eat well, go out for a walk almost every day; be able to rest well, sleeping long enough.

Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that this is a temporary situation, but that should not be ignored, depression is a serious illness that needs medical help, and it is often not possible to get out of depression alone.

Treatment for postpartum depression