Home Home-Remedies How to lose weight by drinking tea

How to lose weight by drinking tea


A great way to lose weight faster is by drinking tea. Tea manages to remove the desire to eat sweets, facilitates the burning of fats, promotes satiety and scares off bad mood.

Some of the most suitable teas to lose weight easily are ginger teas, green tea and mate tea, as they greatly increase metabolism, promoting fat burning, even when you are not exercising.

However, it is worth remembering that it is important to maintain a healthy and varied diet, as well as exercising at least 3 times a week to ensure the best results.

1. How to prepare ginger tea

Ginger tea is great for weight loss, as it is a diuretic, speeds up metabolism, helps burn calories and facilitates digestion, even improving intestinal emptying, fighting constipation and bloated belly.

  • To make tea: place 1 teaspoon of grated ginger in a pan with 1 liter of water and boil for approximately 8 minutes. After turning off the heat, cover the pot, let the tea warm, strain and drink several times a day. Take 1 liter of this tea a day.

Ginger tea can also be mixed with lemon and honey, making it an excellent home remedy for ending flu, sore throat and headaches due to its antiseptic properties. In this case, just add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 slice of lemon to each cup of ready-made ginger tea.

Ginger tea with cinnamon is also an excellent sexual stimulant, due to its aphrodisiac properties, and takes away the urge to eat sweets.

2. How to prepare green tea

Green tea is a good tea for those who want to lose weight, as it is a diuretic, scares off bad mood, reduces tiredness, increases metabolism, by making the body spend more calories even when stopped. In addition, it improves the immune system, preventing various diseases such as arthritis, heart disease and cancer, for example.

  • For green tea: put 2 tablespoons of green tea or 1 bag of green tea in 1 cup of boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes. Expect to warm, strain and drink next, without sweetening.

Since green tea is bitter and not everyone appreciates this flavor, you can achieve all its benefits by taking green tea in capsule form, which has the same effect as tea prepared at home, and is also slimming. 2 capsules of green tea per day or 1 liter of homemade tea is recommended.

Meet matcha tea, an herb that is more powerful than green tea.

3. How to prepare mate tea

Mate tea is excellent for weight loss due to its diuretic properties and due to its high fiber content which, in addition to promoting satiety, facilitates intestinal transit.

Other benefits of mate tea are: to increase the metabolism, facilitating the burning of fats, to fight the inflammation caused by the excess weight and to fight the physical and mental tiredness, being still a great natural laxative.

  • For mate tea: put 1 teaspoon mate in a cup and cover with boiling water. Cover, allow to warm, strain and drink next, without sweetening.

When consumed regularly, mate tea can still decrease about 10% of bad cholesterol in 1 month.

Mate tea has caffeine and, therefore, individuals sensitive to this substance should not drink tea after 6 pm, to avoid insomnia. Toasted mate tea can be consumed warm or iced, without losing any of its properties.

4. How to prepare herbal tea

Herbal tea is great for weight loss, as it has few calories, increases metabolism, favoring fat burning, and increases the willingness to face the pressures of everyday life.

  • For herbal tea: add 1 dessert spoon of the following herbs: hibiscus; buggy; horsetail; sacred cascara; lieutenant stick and green tea in a pan, along with 1 liter of water, and bring to a boil. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let it cool. Strain and set aside.

A good idea is to put this tea in a bottle of mineral water and drink it little by little during the day, instead of water. Take at least 1 liter a day. Another alternative is to use 30 herbal tea to accelerate weight loss.

To achieve better results and achieve weight loss faster, it is recommended to choose one of the recipes above and associate it with regular physical exercise and a balanced diet for at least 1 month.

Watch in the video below what to do to overcome hunger:

How to lose weight by drinking tea