Home Medicinal Plants Types of coffee and caffeine content

Types of coffee and caffeine content


The best way to make coffee at home for more benefits and more flavor is to use a cloth strainer, as the paper filter absorbs the essential oils from the coffee, causing it to lose flavor and aroma during its preparation. In addition, you should not put the coffee powder to boil with the water or pass the coffee with the boiling water.

In order to have the beneficial effects of coffee, the recommended amount is up to 400 mg of caffeine per day, which gives about 4 cups of 150 ml of strained coffee. The ideal dilution is 4 to 5 tablespoons of coffee powder for every 1 liter of water, it is important not to add sugar until the coffee is ready. So, to make 500 ml of a good brewed coffee, you should use:

  • 500 ml of filtered or mineral water40 g or 2 tablespoons of roasted coffee powder kettle or pot with a pout on the tip, to pour the water over the coffee powder thermos flask cloth

Method of preparation:

Wash the coffee thermos only with boiling water, it is important to remember that this bottle must be exclusive for coffee. Bring the water to a boil and turn off the fire when small bubbles start to appear, a sign that the water is close to the boiling point. Place the coffee powder in the cloth strainer or paper filter, and place the strainer over the thermos, using a funnel to help. Another option is to place the strainer over another small pot while preparing coffee, and then transfer the ready coffee to the thermos.

Then, the hot water is poured gradually over the colander with the coffee powder, it is important to let the water fall slowly in the center of the colander, to extract the maximum aroma and flavor from the powder. If necessary, add sugar only when the coffee is ready, and then transfer the coffee to the thermos.

Coffee properties

Due to its high content of antioxidants, phenolic compounds and caffeine, coffee has health benefits such as:

  • Combat tiredness, due to the presence of caffeine; Prevent depression; Prevent some types of cancer, due to its antioxidant content; Improve memory, by stimulating the brain; Combat headaches and migraines; Relieve stress and improve mood.

These benefits are obtained with moderate coffee consumption, with a maximum of about 400 to 600 ml of coffee per day being recommended. See other benefits of coffee here.

Recommended amount to stay active

The amount to have an effect of greater disposition and stimulation of the brain varies from person to person, but normally from 1 small cup with 60 ml of coffee there is already an increase in mood and disposition, and this effect lasts for about 4 hours.

To lose fat, it is ideal to take about 3 mg of caffeine for every kg of weight. That is, a person with 70 kg needs 210 mg of caffeine to stimulate fat burning, and should take about 360 ml of coffee to have this effect. However, it is important to remember that you should not exceed 400 mg of caffeine per day, even if the weight calculation exceeds that amount.

Consequence of drinking too much coffee

In order to have the beneficial effects of coffee without feeling its side effects, the recommended amount is up to 400 mg of caffeine per day, which gives about 4 cups of 150 ml of strained coffee. In addition, people more sensitive to caffeine should avoid drinking coffee for about 6 hours before bed, so that the drink does not disturb sleep.

The side effects of this drink appear when this recommended amount is exceeded, and symptoms such as stomach irritation, mood changes, insomnia, tremors and heart palpitations may appear. See more about the symptoms of excessive coffee consumption.

Amount of caffeine in coffee types

The following table shows the average amount of caffeine for 60 ml of espresso coffee, brewed with and without boiling, and instant coffee.

60 ml of coffee Amount of Caffeine
Express 60 mg
Strained with boil 40 mg
Strained without boiling 35 mg
Soluble 30 mg

Then, people who are in the habit of putting the coffee powder to boil together with the water also end up extracting more caffeine from the powder than when the coffee is prepared just by passing the hot water through the powder in the strainer. Coffee that has a higher concentration of caffeine is espresso, which is why people with hypertension should be aware if drinking this type of drink causes changes in blood pressure control.

On the other hand, instant coffee is the one with the least caffeine in the product, while decaffeinated coffee has virtually no caffeine content and can be used more safely even by people with pressure, insomnia and migraine problems.

See other caffeine-rich foods.

Types of coffee and caffeine content