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Understand before and after abdominoplasty


Abdominoplasty is plastic surgery performed with the objective of removing excess fat and skin from the abdomen, helping to reduce belly flaccidity and making the belly smooth and hard, in addition to also being possible to remove stretch marks and scars present in the abdomen. place.

This surgery can be done on both women and men and is mainly indicated for those who lost a lot of weight or after a pregnancy and had a very flabby belly area.

In some cases, especially in thin women who only have only some localized fat, the surgeon may recommend liposuction or mini-abdominoplasty, instead of abdominoplasty, removing excess fat on the side of the abdomen and on the back. See how mini-abdominoplasty is done.

How abdominoplasty is performed

Before performing abdominoplasty, it is important that the person undergoes a preoperative evaluation to check if there is any risk of complications. For this reason, the surgeon usually indicates blood tests, physical evaluation and risk factors, such as smoking, obesity and old age, for example.

If the doctor verifies that there are no risks, he proceeds to schedule and perform the surgery, being important that the person does not drink, smoke or take medications that may increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs, before the procedure.

Abdominoplasty takes 2 to 4 hours and is performed with epidural anesthesia. From the moment the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor makes a cut between the pubic hair line and the navel, according to the degree of correction of the surgery, so that the excess fat, tissues and skin can be removed and so that the abdominal muscles that are weakened can be sewn together.

Depending on the amount of fat and skin that you want to remove, the doctor may also make a cut around the navel to remove excess skin on the upper abdomen. Then, the doctor proceeds to close the cuts made on the skin using sutures, skin patches or tapes.

It is recommended that the person stay 2 to 4 days after the procedure to ensure the success of the surgery and reduce the risk of complications. It is normal that in the week following the surgery the person feels abdominal pain and the area becomes dark and swollen, and these symptoms are resolved as healing occurs. However, if symptoms persist after one week, it is important to go back to the surgeon for an evaluation.

How much

The price of abdominoplasty varies according to the place where it is done, the surgeon who will perform the procedure and whether there is a need to perform other surgical procedures such as liposuction, for example, in the same surgical intervention. Thus, abdominoplasty can vary between 5 and 10 thousand reais.

How is recovery

Total recovery from surgery takes an average of 2 months and requires some care, especially with posture, it is essential not to make efforts during this period and use an abdominal band. It is common to have pain in the abdomen and bruises, especially in the first 48 hours, decreasing with the passing of the weeks and, to avoid accumulating fluids in the abdomen, it usually has drains. See more about recovery after abdominoplasty.

How is the pregnancy of those who had Abdominoplasty

The recommendation is that abdominoplasty is not performed by women who still wish to become pregnant, as in this procedure the muscles of the abdominal region are stitched and when pregnancy occurs, they can be ruptured. Therefore, if a woman wishes to have an abdominoplasty and also become pregnant, it is recommended that mini-abdominoplasty be performed, in which small amounts of fat are removed.

The woman who has had an abdominoplasty and still wants to get pregnant is more susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks, due to the exaggerated stretching of the skin and, therefore, it is recommended that the woman does not put on more than 12 kg during pregnancy.

Understand how mini-abdominoplasty is done.

Possible complications

Despite being a safe procedure, abdominoplasty can also have risks and result in complications both during and after the procedure, which is why it is essential to perform preoperative exams and hospitalization after the procedure.

The most frequent complications are seroma, which is the accumulation of fluid, bruises, tissue necrosis, scar and tissue asymmetry, respiratory failure and thromboembolism, which can happen during the procedure and result in death. Know other risks and complications of abdominoplasty.

Understand before and after abdominoplasty