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How to improve iron absorption to fight anemia


To improve iron absorption in the intestine, strategies such as eating citrus fruits such as orange, pineapple and acerola should be used, along with foods rich in iron and avoiding frequent use of antacid medications, such as Omeprazole and Pepsamar.

The absorption of iron is easier when it is in the "heme" form, which is present in animal foods such as meat, liver and egg yolk. Some foods of plant origin, such as tofu, kale and beans, also contain iron, but it is of the non-heme iron type, which the intestine absorbs in smaller quantities.

Tricks to increase iron absorption

Some tips to increase iron absorption in the intestine are:

  • Eat fruits rich in vitamin C, such as orange, kiwi and acerola, together with foods rich in iron; Avoid drinking milk and derivatives together with main meals, as calcium decreases iron absorption; Avoid drinking coffee and teas together with rich foods in iron, as they contain substances called polyphenols that reduce iron absorption; Avoid the constant use of heartburn medications, as iron is better absorbed with stomach acidity; Eat foods rich in fructooligosaccharides, such as soy, artichoke, asparagus, endive, garlic and banana.

Pregnant women and people with anemia naturally absorb more iron, because iron deficiency causes the intestine to absorb greater amounts of this mineral.

Citrus fruits increase iron absorption

Dairy products and coffee decrease iron absorption

Iron-rich foods

The main foods rich in iron are:

Animal origin: red meat, poultry, fish, heart, liver, shrimp and crab.

Vegetable origin: tofu, chestnuts, flaxseed, sesame, kale, coriander, prune, beans, peas, lentils, brown rice, whole wheat and tomato sauce.

To combat anemia, it is important that all meals have foods rich in iron, so that the intestine increases the absorption of this mineral and the body is able to overcome anemia and replenish its stores.

See too:

  • Understand how nutrient absorption occurs in the intestine

How to improve iron absorption to fight anemia