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Options to lighten face blemishes


To lighten the spots on the face caused by pregnancy, acne, melasma or those caused by the sun, homemade tricks, medicines, ointments, creams or aesthetic treatments can be used.

Usually, the recent stains are easier to lighten with simple products that can be bought at the pharmacy, such as creams and lotions that have lightening action, such as muriel, but when it comes to a stain that has been on the skin for more than 1 year, it may be necessary to resort to more specific formulations that contain hydroquinone or acids, and that should be used with the dermatologist's indication.

Products to remove recent spots on the face

As soon as dark spots appear on the face, caused by the sun, acne or a burn, what you can do is bet on products such as:

  • Rose milk or cologne milk: when it comes to pimple spots. These lotions clean and disinfect the skin, drying the pimples, as a consequence of this, it is common for the skin to have a more uniform tone; Muriel whitening lotion: best indicated in case of dark spots caused by burns, sun or chicken pox and can be used daily, with good results. In addition to the lotion, there is the muriel cream which also lightens the skin but which has a more greasy composition, and should therefore not be used on the face of people with acne.

Minancora and cicatricure ointments do not lighten the skin but help in healing and as a consequence the wound as being uneven, uniform and closer to the person's skin tone.

Although hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate are widely used to remove blemishes from the face, their use is not recommended by dermatologists, as it causes skin irritation that appears to lighten it only temporarily, becoming dark after this period.

Products to remove old spots on the face

When dark spots on the face are older, having been present for more than 1 year, other more specific products, indicated by the dermatologist, can be used. Some excellent options for remedies, ointments and creams to combat blemishes and even out skin tone include:

  • Hormoskin; Hydroquinone; Retinoic acid or kojic acid; Vitanol-A; Klassis; Hidropeek.

These products should only be used under the guidance of the dermatologist, because when used improperly they can aggravate the stain. It is usually indicated to apply the product 1 or 2 times a day exactly on the spot of the stain, after cleaning and toning the face. When the person still has pimples and blackheads on the skin it is also essential to control the oiliness of the skin, and therefore other products may be indicated to dry the pimples.

Skin cleaning done by the beautician is an excellent ally in controlling pimples and to combat skin blemishes. It is recommended to do at least 1 deep skin cleaning per month, for 3 months and then evaluate its benefits. Daily skin care also includes using antiseptic soap, cleansing milk, facial tonic, and moisturizing gel with sun protection factor.

Homemade ways to remove facial blemishes

A great home treatment to remove blemishes on the face caused by pimples is to clean the skin daily with rose milk, which can be bought in pharmacies or drugstores, which helps to keep the skin free of bacteria and has an anti-inflammatory and astringent action, which helps to fight acne, being an adjuvant to lighten the skin.

Applying facial masks at home is also a good option to lighten facial blemishes. Some good examples are the cucumber, tomato or egg white masks. Just apply the preferred ingredient directly to the stained area and let it act for approximately 15 minutes, then wash. See another recipe for an excellent home remedy to remove skin spots with cucumber and mint.

Homemade mask to lighten the skin

A great mask to remove the spots on the skin caused by pimples is that of rose milk with ground almonds because it has lightening properties.


  • 2 teaspoons of ground almonds, 1 teaspoon of rose milk, 5 drops of palm oil essential oil; 1 teaspoon of honey.

Method of preparation

In a container mix all the ingredients well until it forms a uniform paste.

Then wash your face with warm water and soap, dry and apply the mask over the entire area, leaving it to act for 20 minutes. To remove the mask, use a piece of cotton wool dipped in rose milk.

Treatments to lighten the face

Aesthetic treatments are usually recommended for darker or difficult to remove blemishes, which have not responded well to previous treatments, as can happen with blemishes caused by sunburn, lemon or when the person has many spots on the skin caused by the sun or pregnancy, for example. Some examples of these treatments are:

  • Acid peeling: acids are applied to the skin for a few seconds which are then removed with water and the result is the peeling of the outermost layer of the skin. As a result, the body is forced to produce a new layer of skin, eliminating blemishes and scars. However it cannot be done during active acne. Treatment with laser or pulsed light: they are applied by the physiotherapist and act on the melanocytes, unifying the skin tone. Microdermabrasion: consists of exfoliating with devices that 'sand' the skin by removing the outermost layer, and are very useful for removing small spots on the skin, very superficial. Micro needling with dermaroller: it is a treatment made with a roller full of needles that pierce the skin, with a depth of 0.3 to 1 millimeter, which stimulates collagen and the formation of a new layer of skin, being a good option for deeper stains, it is also excellent for renewing the skin and removing acne scars.

These treatments generally achieve excellent results but must be performed by qualified professionals to ensure the integrity and beauty of the skin. See in the video below some pictures and how to treat other types of skin spots:

How to avoid blemishes on the face

To avoid the appearance of new spots, on the face or any other part of the body, some daily care is recommended, such as:

  • Do not squeeze blackheads and pimples; Do not expose yourself to the sun after using lemon; Always clean, tone and moisturize your skin daily, using specific products for your skin type.

In addition, it is very important to use a sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days, as the sun's rays increase the production of melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation. In women it is common for hormonal uncontrollability to facilitate the appearance of dark spots on the face, so if dark spots insist on appearing even with all these precautions, a consultation with a gynecologist is recommended, because situations such as myoma or polycystic ovaries may be present. causing spots on the skin.

Options to lighten face blemishes