Home Home-Remedies Recipes with prune against constipation

Recipes with prune against constipation


A good way to make your gut work and regulate your gut is to eat plums regularly because this fruit has a substance called sorbitol, a natural laxative that facilitates the elimination of feces. Another way to get the benefits of plum to treat the prison center is to soak the prune in water and drink this flavored water full of sorbitol and pectin which is also a fiber that helps to hydrate the fecal cake.

But in addition it is also necessary to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day, because without the necessary amount of water, the feces are dried out causing constipation.

The plum also helps to lose weight because it has few calories and low glycemic index, and can also be eaten in its natural state or used in juices and vitamins.

In addition to eating the ripe fruit or prune that can be bought in the markets, you can prepare incredible recipes that also help to loosen the gut, here's how to prepare some of them:

1. Plum tea against constipation


  • 3 prunes; 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

Put the prunes and water in a pan and boil for about 5 to 7 minutes, let it warm and drink the tea throughout the day.

2. Plum water for fasting


  • 1 glass of water; 5 prunes.

How to make

Prick the prunes and place them in a cup of water. Then cover the cup and let it stand all night. The next morning, take only the water, using the plum for another recipe. This water is also a good option to give to release the baby's intestine.

3. Plum jam


  • 1 kg of prunes still peeled but pitted; 1 envelope of unflavored gelatin; about 300 ml of water; 4 spoons of brown sugar or culinary sweetener.

How to make

Place the plums, water and sugar in a pan and bring to medium heat for about 20 minutes. After boiling, knead the cooked fruit a little and then add the gelatin to give more consistency. Leave on the fire for a few more minutes and after reaching the jelly point let it cool and store in a glass container and keep in the refrigerator.

4. Plum juice with apple


  • 1 large apple, 4 ripe plums, ½ lemon.

How to make

Pass the whole apple and plums in the processor or blender and then add the squeezed lemon. Sweeten to taste.

5. Plum juice with strawberry


  • 10 strawberries; 5 ripe plums; 1 orange.

How to make

Beat the strawberries and plums with a mixer and then add the juice of 1 orange.

Watch the following video and find out about other laxatives that can help fight constipation:

Recipes with prune against constipation