Home Home-Remedies How to remove dry callus from the foot with aspirin

How to remove dry callus from the foot with aspirin


A good way to eliminate dry corns is to apply a mixture of aspirin with lemon, as the aspirin contains substances that help to eliminate dry skin while the lemon softens and renews the skin, helping to completely remove the corns.

This chemical exfoliation helps to remove the callus and is very effective in eliminating the excess keratin present in the region, leaving the skin again smooth. However, it is important to avoid the formation of a callus by avoiding uncomfortable shoes and in addition, passing a little pumice stone at the time of bathing directly on the most affected areas also helps in the elimination of calluses.


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Method of preparation

Put the lemon juice in a glass and mash the pills, until it becomes a homogeneous mixture. Apply this mixture to dry calluses and rub for a few moments. Then wrap your foot in a plastic bag or film and put on a sock.

Let the cream work for about 10 minutes, then rub your thumb on the callus site, until the skin starts to loosen. Then wash your feet normally, dry and apply a moisturizer to the area.

Other creams to eliminate dry corns

In addition to this homemade option, there are also creams that can be bought in pharmacies and drugstores, which eliminate dry calluses and dry feet, hands and elbows in just 7 days. Some examples are:

  • SVR xĂ©rial 50: contains 50% pure urea and shea butter, which has a nourishing and calming action, but mainly keratolytic, which completely eliminates dry skin from corns; Neutrogena Dry Feet Cream: contains glycerin, allantoin and vitamins providing deep hydration, fighting cracks in the feet and preventing dry corns; ISDIN Ureadin RX 40: Contains 40% urea, which exfoliates the skin, being indicated to eliminate dry calluses and nail deformations, in addition to deeply hydrating the skin; Neutrogena Pack Lima + Foot Cream Calluses: Contains urea and glycerin to remove the thickest layer of callus, in addition to deeply hydrating the skin.

These creams should be used daily, and should be applied immediately after the bath, directly on the calluses, so that it has the expected effect. From the 2nd or 3rd day, a good improvement in the appearance of the skin can be observed, but it is necessary to use it for about 7 to 10 days until the callus is completely eliminated.

To avoid the formation of other dry calluses, the skin should always be well hydrated, applying a good moisturizing cream daily on the feet before sleeping, and using a silicone sock or wrapping the feet in a plastic sleeping bag, as this increases the hydration power. It is also important to always wear comfortable shoes to avoid pressure in areas such as instep, big toe or toe, which are areas more prone to developing calluses.

How to remove dry callus from the foot with aspirin