Home Home-Remedies How to use cabbage leaves to fight rheumatism

How to use cabbage leaves to fight rheumatism


A great home remedy for rheumatism is poultice made from warm cabbage leaves because the cabbage molds very well to the joints and the heat will help to reduce the pain caused by rheumatism.


  • 2 kale leaves

Method of preparation

Wrap the cabbage leaves in a thin fabric, such as a clean dish towel, place in the oven and heat for 5 minutes. Remove and apply to painful areas when it is warm.

In addition, it is important to follow all the doctor's instructions and do physical therapy sessions at least twice a week to reduce pain, discomfort and improve the patient's quality of life. Depending on the patient's complaint, the doctor may indicate the use of medications, such as Cataflan.

The diet of people suffering from rheumatism should be regulated because they should not eat red meat or other foods rich in protein because this can lead to an increase in uric acid, which can aggravate the symptoms of rheumatism.

Useful links:

  • Home remedy for rheumatism in the bones

How to use cabbage leaves to fight rheumatism